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Ok guys, Metric is a outstanding and revolutionizing band that gave me a new perspective about the world around me. But, if you are in fact looking to expand your musical horizons check this website out Its all about... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2010 at Metric
You guys are incredible! Thanks soo much for the best concerts this year! Thank you soo much for coming to Calgary! I'm so happy you guys had a wonderfull year. I won't forget that somewhere in the thousands of pictures you took, there is one with me in it. Jimmy, Joshua, Emily, and Joules- I wish you another sucessful year, and a great holiday season.
Toggle Commented Dec 25, 2009 on Well, well, well... at Metric
1 reply
I love you guys, my favorite band of all time. You are one of the best bands ever, ver well done. Don't ever quit, and don't forget your fans. Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2009 at Metric
johneboy is now following Metric
Nov 9, 2009