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Good morning CSS, how is everyone's last week of Fall 2010 semester going?! I am so ready for the end of the semester, our holiday break, and some R&R! :) I have my Spanish lab final on Friday and then two next week. My two next week are both sciences and I'm pretty nervous, but I'm happy that it's almost over. Then, next semester I start Nursing classes! Yay! Well, have a great rest of your week, blog you soon Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2010 at Emily
Hello CSS, it's Tuesday afternoon here and a super duper cold day out! I've been extremely busy this week. I babysat a lot over the weekend and took my Anatomy lab practical this morning. I was really prepared, but it was still pretty difficult. But, we shall see how it turns out :) Today, I'm just doing a little bit of final prepping. I have my Spanish final on Friday, Microbiology on Monday, and then Anatomy & Physiology on Tuesday. . . .then it's Christmas break!! Well, I hope everyone's chilly week is going well! Stay warm and I'll blod... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2010 at Emily
Happy Friday :) Everyone loves a Friday! I'm always exhausted by Friday and just feel like relaxing all night, but I kind of feel like going to a movie or getting some Christmas shopping done. Also, next Wednesday. . .Little Fockers comes out into the theatres! Ah! I am definitely going to see that! I am so excited that I may just have to watch Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers this weekend. Also, I need to get to Bentlyville asap! I can't wait, but it has just been toooooo cold out! Maybe I'll have to drive around with... Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS! We're almost done with this week. . . .then less than a week of school before final exams!! Do you believe it?! I personally think that this semester has been tough. I can't decide if it's because of my classes or if it's because of the transition that's been going on this semester with my mom and dad building our new house, etc. My weekend is going to be filled with sleep, studying, and relaxation yet again. I've been so very tired lately, so sleeping all weekend wouldn't be too shabby lol. I hope everyone's week is going... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS, it's Wednesday morning and freezing cold out today!! It's been a pretty busy week so far with finals nearing and cramming in last minute objectives to learn within our classes. I was so exhausted last night after babysitting, so I took a hot bath, ate some dinner, and went right to sleep. It felt wonderful, but I still wanted to stay in bed this morning lol. I'm working on a scrapbook for my mom and dad's Christmas gift this week too. It's going to be of the house building process. They absolutely love their new house, so I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2010 at Emily
Good morning CSS! Back at it; another cold week of fall 2010! :) I really want to get to Bentlyville this week, as well as Marsha Hales, but it's been so cold!! I know it's winter, but I would like the temperature to hit the 30's at least!! Like I said, I have a presentation in Spanish today, a paper due in Microbiology today, and my last lab quizzes tomorrow morning. Then, the rest of the semester is designated mainly to studying for final exams. I am making my mom and dad's Christmas gift this year, which is a scrapbook,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2010 at Emily
Good morning CSS! Today is my day of relaxation. I'm going to watch the Packers and the Vikings play this afternoon and just basically catch up and chill until we start one of our last weeks of this semester! :) I got a car wash yesterday which was well needed. . . .and my car looks sparkly clean! :) I have my last anatomy lab and physiology lab quizzes this coming Tuesday and need to study up on the rest of the muscles that we just learned a couple weeks ago. Then, the following week, we'll take our final anatomy... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS, it's Saturday evening and I'm babysitting right now. Of the four kids, it's just the oldest boy who is 14 and the youngest who is 6 tonight. They're just chillin and watching a movie right now, so it's been a calm evening. This afternoon, I spent the day at the library with my boyfriend. I finished my powerpoint presentation for Spanish that I will give on Monday. I'm very happy with how it turned out. You would think I would have kind of a relaxing weekend as last week I took three exams, but not really! I have... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2010 at Emily
Good morning CSS, it's another chilly day . . . .and we're back to school after a long weekend! :) Yesterday was a ton of fun; I went to Bloomer, WI for another Thanksgiving dinner with my boyfriend and his family. Today, I have a lot to do before we get our SIX inches of snow! I have three exams, a presentation, and a paper to write this week, so it'll be quite the week! Today is another babysitting day, and is the youngest's first day at a new school. He's switching kindergarden classes/schools and he'll be with the same... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2010 at Emily
Good morning CSS! It's Saturday morning here in chilly Duluth, but it feels like a Sunday to me. I'm going to have a lazy day today. . . .maybe put some Christmas decorations up with my boyfriend. Tomorrow, him and I are off to Bloomer, WI to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. I'm super duper excited too because his older brothers both have the sweetest little babies :) My mom is off doing some Christmas shopping this morning and going to pick up a tree to decorate too!!!! Yay :) But, I'll let you all go for now. Blog you... Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS, it's the Friday after Thanksgiving. . . .also known as Black Friday. I was up this morning at 2:00A.M. to hit the great sales! I don't know how I'm still awake, but it was a lot of fun! :) Does anyone know why the date is called "Black Friday?" My sister told me many years ago that it is because it's the day that the stock market crashed. Our family Thanksgiving was amazingly delicious and extra special. My mom had us all play the dice game and we all won prizes which was really cool too! :) I,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2010 at Emily
Happy Thanksgiving CSS! :) Today is one of the greatest holidays filled with family, friends, and food! We're having Thanksgiving dinner at my mom and dad's house as usual, but we're having many more guests this year! Although, last year. . . we did have our Korean exchange student with us during the holiday season! This year, it's at our new house and my Aunt Pam, Uncle Mark, their three boys, my sister and her boyfriend Tim, Tim's mom and uncle, my mom's friend Jane, and my boyfriend Jody will all be there for lots of food, football, and fun!... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS, I really wanted to tell you about my investigation today at Super One. It was quite unexpected! All I wanted to do was pay for some last minute groceries that my mom needed for our Thanksgiving dinner for tomorrow. . . .I was in the self checkout line and inserted a twenty dollar bill into the machine. It wouldn't accept it, so I called over one of the employees and they asked me to step aside. They called the police and the police came and questioned me regarding where I got the bill! It was a fake!! I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS! It's Tuesday, Friday for us, as we get a nice long weekend to give thanks for all that we're blessed with. We're still trying to get our new house's internet to function correctly. . . .the cable works, but for some reason we can't get the internet to work. It's frustrating to have to come to school or to go somewhere with wireless internet, just to check e-mail. Even though we don't have school, it'll be another busy weekend. We still have a lot to do for the new house. . . .and we're entertaining 20 ish people... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS, it's Saturday evening and I'm babysitting, but just sat the kids down for a little bit of quiet time; a movie. I've been here since 9:00 and am here until 10:00 or 11:00, so it sure has been a long day. The kids were poorly behaved today for some reason. I don't have any idea why, they have never been like this for me. Tomorrow, my boyfriend gets home from hunting, so I'm excited to see him :) and maybe watch the Packer/Viking game! This coming week, I'll have normal Monday classes and an Anatomy lab test on... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS! Gosh, time sure does fly!! I can't believe we've completed another week of school. . . .next week is going to go by even faster too with Thanksgiving break! What are you thanksful for? Family? Friends? Going to such a great school in a beautiful city?! We sure are fortunate, aren't we? This weekend I'm planning on going to the Christmas City of the North Parade tonight, babysitting all day Saturday, and helping my mom out as much as possible with getting stuff put away in our new house, as Thanksgiving is always at our house and my... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2010 at Emily
Why hello there, apparently I fell of the face of the earth without internet access while we've been busy moving into our new house! I sure am sorry about that; everything has just been chaotic though with moving, school, and working. I'm the library right now getting started on a microbiology assignment and studying, studying, studying! :) The new house sure is nice though! My room is about 90% situated and set up. I still have some last minute things to do like put the bed frame up, find the dust ruffle thing and put that on, etc. I babysit... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at Emily
Why hello there, apparently I fell of the face of the earth without internet access while we've been busy moving into our new house! I sure am sorry about that; everything has just been chaotic though with moving, school, and working. I'm the library right now getting started on a microbiology assignment and studying, studying, studying! :) The new house sure is nice though! My room is about 90% situated and set up. I still have some last minute things to do like put the bed frame up, find the dust ruffle thing and put that on, etc. I babysit... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS, it's Tuesday afternoon and a beautiful day! :) I still haven't been able to move into my new house though because the silly builders are taking their sweet time with the final touches. . . .it's so very frustrating! But, on a positive note, my mom took me shopping today and bought me a new pair of jeans for Christmas as well as a bunch of essential that I needed from Target. Also, tonight, my boyfriend is taking me out on a hot date lol. . .to one of my all time favorite restaurants! The OLIVE GARDEN!!!! :)... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2010 at Emily
Good morning CSS, it's Monday morning and we're only two weeks away from Thanksgiving! :) I have a Microbiology test today and I'm feeling ready, so hope it goes well! :) I have to babysit after school today at 2:30, but only until 3:30 today; I'm dropping the kids off at a rock climbing clinic that they're doing. Sounds fun! :) That's something that I would enjoy doing to build back some of my strength from eight years of swimming! I've been meaning to hit the gym and/or the pool, but I have just not had much time at all!... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2010 at Emily
Good morning CSS, it's Sunday morning and you would not believe it, but I went to bed around 7:30 last night and just woke up at about 9:30 this morning! I was starting to not feel very great yesterday, but feel much better today, so maybe I just slept off whatever was coming on :) I'm not really sure what I'm going to do today. Probably just have a relaxing day. . . .watch a good movie or something :) Starting tomorrow, I'll probably sleep at the new house if I can, so it'll be a busy, yet exciting week!... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2010 at Emily
Dear CSS, happy weekend! :) It has been so beautiful outside lately. . . .I hope you have been able to take advantage of the nice weather! Yesterday morning I started babysitting super early in the morning (I had to wake up at 4:00)!! I also had to babysit this morning, but I didn't have to wake up until 6:00 in order to be there by 7:15. My mom and dad have been hard at work finishing up some last minute painting, but we should be able to move in during the beginning of next week. I am all packed... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2010 at Emily
Hey CSS, who is happy about the short week? Yay, it's already Friday! I didn't have a lab this week, but did take two tests that went very well. :) On Monday I have a test in Microbiology though. . . . .boo hahaha. Our house is move-inable but the city has to do a final safety inspection, but our builders haven't been able to get hold of them. . . . .it's so frustrating because we see the house all set, but technically we can't do anything involving moving furniture in until the inspection is complete. This weekend involves... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Emily
Good morning CSS, it's my first day back to school after the long weekend. It's tough waking up after so many days off lol! This afternoon CSS is having an ice cream social for Nursing students and staff as well as Nursing intended students, so I'll be there! :) It's from 4-6:30 if you haven't heard about it. Only three more days until we're able to move into our new house! I cannot wait! Living in a town house with none of our own furniture has been different. . . . .it'll sure be nice to have our own couch,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Emily
Why hello CSS! How was everyone's long Hallloween weekend? Moving weekend is coming up in a few days, so I got my room all packed up and I'm basically living out of a backpack's worth of my stuff haha. I had way too much candy this weekend. . . . I've been eating all of my mom and dad's leftover candy too, so I feel pretty gross and tired now lol. I was a swimmer in high school, but after the State meet my Senior year, I didn't do any swimming. I never thought the day would come, but I've... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2010 at Emily