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thanks jaypo.i hope you also have a wonderful evening and im glad to see u posting again.
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good i don't want another officer ricky album.
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who cares the album will be wack.
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what he said is 100% true.
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oh man i didn't win anything.
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i want to see what kool g rap or rakim think about the album lol.
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just give up already game.
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not at all.
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yeah of course overrated artists like kesha and black eyed peas are still selling.
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please get some help x.
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well if snoop died i wouldn't say he was a legend but yoy are right about dmx being a legend.
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damn it i thought the track list was fake. i don't want him doing songs with pink, rihanna, and lil wayne. what about andre 3000 or nas?
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i don't remember her doing a song with scarface before. redman and naughty by nature she did a song with through.
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yeah i know slaughterhouse should have been on the album.
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everything is gonna be all right.
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now you are saying fuck gary coleman? what did he ever do to you?
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it's just gonna be another bullshit album.
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you never know lebron could get a ring one day.
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yeah exactly im waiting for a new nas album or raekwon.
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yeah i agree. jay was the only reason why i listen to the song in the first place and i vote for bulldog to leave the site.
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good that means that album is finally gonna come out. now we have to wait for andre 3000's album and then we can finally get another outkast album from both. by the way i think bulldog should leave this site. i can't stand his hating ass.
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wow bulldog did nas sleep with your girlfriend or something? it doesn't matter if it only sold 50,000 copies it still a good album and how did 50 cent end al pacino and robert deniro's career? somebody needs to get rid of you. you support officer ricky and yet you dissed nas, al pacino, and robert deniro and do you notice that most people in this site can't stand you.
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