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Jodi! oh thank you so much for your encouragement!!! where is your favorite place to dive?
Rose! - thank you! - I will make sure Mindy sees your comment:)
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2012 on How does she do that? at RedLetterWords
Gussy! yes! it's true!! - pinch me now:) xoxo
Nathifa! - will do:) xoxoxo
Amen xoxoxoxo!
Lee Ann thank you so much for your sweet words!
Jendi! - I can't wait to hear about it:)
oh how fun!! I really love the flexibility of homeschooling!:) We will start heading back June 1
Sherry! - thank you so much! I can't wait to check it out!
oh Katie and Hannah! thank you so much for your kind words!! This is a really exciting season!
oh thank you so much for sharing your stories!! what a blessing you all are!! xoxo
Hi Roy . . yes! here's the link thanks! Dee
oh you ladies are so sweet! I am excited too!! :)
Leigh!! yay! - you got it right!! send me your mailing address to [email protected]:) xoxo Dee
Toggle Commented May 24, 2011 on How do you spell May? at RedLetterWords
Kristine! - you changed your mind!! Pirates of the Caribbean is right!! - send me your mailing address anyway to [email protected] - I will have something for you too!:)
Toggle Commented May 24, 2011 on How do you spell May? at RedLetterWords
Anderson! - so so excited to hear from you all the way from Brazil!:) Especially excited that the Word is reaching so many people through art and blogging! thank you thank you !! Dee
Sarah! - you are too sweet:) thank you so much for your encouragement!! Happy Easter back! Dee
oh so good to hear from you ladies! Yes! I knew there was lots of coffee lovers but I wasn't so sure about the sushi!! xoxo Dee
Toggle Commented Mar 25, 2011 on Coffee and Sushi at RedLetterWords
You girls are so sweet! and I love the idea of a contest for submitting ideas! - let me think on the details of that one:)Great scriptures too - my sister just adopted 2 boys last summer - xoxo Dee
Toggle Commented Mar 25, 2011 on Custom Print Ideas #1! at RedLetterWords
oh Emily!! Thank YOU!! - I love 2 Peter 3:18!!!!
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2011 on Got Wall Space? at RedLetterWords
LOVE this shop!!!
love these!!
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Dee is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2010
love love love this!!
1 reply
i just really want this very cool
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on my first ART SKIRT... at simply me
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