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Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Nov 13, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Nov 2, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Nov 2, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Oct 30, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Oct 30, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Oct 30, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Oct 30, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Hi, I have moved my email account to [email protected] and have stopped checking this account. If you wish to reach me, send me an email at the address above - thanks!
Toggle Commented Jul 31, 2012 on spicy butternut squash soup at gourmet, unbound
Well, we're well into the summer with heat and humidity that make most folks shun the kitchen. Not this brave bunch, however! They sent us their July Gourmet recipes, because nothing can keep them away from their kitchens! Take a look - I think they should get serious points just for persistence! A low-carbon footprint dish - a lovely, fruit salad! Merry Gourmet (Fruit Salad with Mint Sugar, 2004) A beautiful provencal salad to cool you off! Brooks Cooks (Provencal Salad, 2007) A few other amazing entries! Pages, Pucks, and Pantry (Balsamic Zucchini, 2004) Healthier Kitchen (Fig Salad and Fresh... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2010 at gourmet, unbound
Hi all, it's February! Here's our roundup of February recipes from Gourmet magazines past. Hope you enjoy! The Mango Lassi (Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream, 2003) Couldn't Be Parve (Gramercy Tavern Gingerbread, 2000) Healthier Kitchen (Chicken Tagine with Apricots and Spiced Pine Nuts, 2008) Eat Travel Write (Lemony Mushrom Risotto, 2001) Pages, Pucks and Pantry (Beer Braised Beef and Onions, 2009) Hummingbird Appetite (Cocoa Cake, 2003) Taste As You Go (Ginger and Garlic Broccoli with Brown Rice, 1995) Small Tastes (Braised Turnips with Poppy Seed Bread Crumbs, and Fennel and Carrot Slaw with Olive Dressing, both from 2008) Doable & Delicious... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2010 at gourmet, unbound
There are nights when I am happy to putter around in the kitchen and take my time in preparing dinner. And then there are nights when you get home at 7pm, only to have to get on conference calls at 8pm with a mere hour in between. Yes, there is always take out, and I happen to live in a city that's very take-out friendly. But sometimes, sometimes I wish for a home-cooked meal that is simple, good and takes not-so-long to make. I know - I'm asking for a lot here. And yet - such things do exist. This... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at gourmet, unbound
Today it rained and rained and rained some more. It felt like the rain was never going to stop and while I was happy to be puttering around my home, cooking and writing and working on a few side projects, I did miss going outside, if only for a minute. It definitely felt more like October than December, which is perhaps while I’ve had soup on my mind. I also stayed around in my fleece pants, read a whole book, mulled some cider, toyed with making ice cream, but decided against it, and reorganized my spice pantry. I’d like to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2009 at gourmet, unbound
It’s taken me a year to make this pie. A year, people. That’s twelve months of shuffling it around my to-make list as it kept getting bumped down. And you know what? I am ashamed because I’ve wasted twelve whole months not eating this pie. Just imagine the places I could’ve gone and things I could’ve done if only I had made this when I spotted the recipe in the November, 2008 issue of Gourmet. Sadly, time is irreversible and the months I spent not eating this pie cannot be brought back. But what can be done is I can... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2009 at gourmet, unbound