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Oklahoma City
Let's just be honest...I HAVE ISSUES!
Interests: Crocheting, music, GLBT issues, loving on my cats and dog and any other sociological/psychological subject that piques my interest that day.
Recent Activity
Fig newtons rock!!
“@kellyoxford: CHANNING TATUM I'M SAGITTARIUS & U TAURUS THIS WIL WRK. I COME W/SNACKS.” don't fall for it chan. the snacks are fig newtons!
1) Happy Birthday Diana. 2) Holy crap! I got...
1) Happy Birthday Diana. 2) Holy crap! I got accepted into grad school!!! Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2012 at Zachary Quinto
Finally got the audio book of Star Trek read by...
Finally got the audio book of Star Trek read by ZQ. I read somewhere that he believed he didn't do a great job, but he has a good reading voice. As an avid consumer of audiobooks, I have heard a... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2012 at Zachary Quinto
I can't believe my text reader program says your name right. And kudos to you for posting two pictures in a row that I actually get. :) My Obama 2012 bag (made from a recycled T-shirt by a friend of mine) is at the ready!!
this shit's about to get real....
this shit's about to get real.
nothing like a new tote.
nothing like a new tote.
Not nice doing this to people with visual impairments...bad Zachary!! :)
figure it out.
figure it out.
Greetings ZQC'ers!!! After taking two and a half...
Greetings ZQC'ers!!! After taking two and a half months to recover from the most recent bleed in my good eye, I can finally see well enough to post again! I still need magnification, and 80% of the pics Zach has... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2012 at Zachary Quinto
Hooray!! He has eyebrows!!
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My vision loss has really destroyed my reading speed. I read 68% slower than the the average American. I should probably stick to audiobooks.
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TECHNOLOGY & YOU 1. How many technologically...
TECHNOLOGY & YOU 1. How many technologically connected (internet accessible) devices do you have- like smartphones, tablets, music players, gaming devices, notebook computers "Smart" TVs and regular computers? I own a laptop and a cell phone, but the latter is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2012 at Zachary Quinto
Thanks so much for posting this!! I love this song, but I haven't been able to find it because I didn't know the exact title. I hear it in clubs sometimes.
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That one is Roseanne. Blanket on the couch is the key.
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crazyterpokc added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Jan 21, 2012
What photoshoot is this one from? I have never seen it before.
August 7?
Ok bad joke. Seriously, I think this is actually my favorite of the Periods pieces.
anyone wondering what my favorite day of the year...
anyone wondering what my favorite day of the year is...?
Don't be so hard on yourself. Mr. Bill rocks!!!!
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The first time I saw a Simon's Cat clip on this board, I hit Youtube and spent 30 minutes watching all the others.
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Wow. Now I am kinda bummed (as I pop a Hershey's dark chocolate kiss in my mouth).
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That was HILARIOUS!!!!!
No title state was supposed to get a pile of snow,... state was supposed to get a pile of snow, but the storm meant to bring it kinda collapsed, so all we got here is cold. I feel cheated. :( Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
QUESTION TIME! Christmas is coming! 1. When do you...
QUESTION TIME! Christmas is coming! 1. When do you place up the Christmas tree? My roommate put it up on Thanksgiving while I was at my sister's. 2. When do you place up your Christmas lights? We don't. He He's... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
What the !#@$! was that????
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I dig that Noah is getting a lot of attention in...
I dig that Noah is getting a lot of attention in pap pics and now in this new short film, but where's the love for Harold the cat??? Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
2's probably a fashion thing.
Just found out this morning that, after spending...
Just found out this morning that, after spending the last year legally blind, I was able to pay my back dues and get my national interpreting certification back!!! I hope to start working again on a limited basis until I can get my license back and get some wheels. I celebrated by making cookies....
Just found out this morning that, after spending...
Just found out this morning that, after spending the last year legally blind, I was able to pay my back dues and get my national interpreting certification back!!! I hope to start working again on a limited basis until I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
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