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LOVING your blooms!!! Truth be told -- we sell lots of Prima in our store -- but we are going to have to get Maya flowers as well -- fresh and different -- brilliant!!!!!
Day 3 - A Splash Of Color!
Welcome to day 3 of the Maya Road Sneak Peeks! We hope you have been loving what you have seen so far; today we are bringing you a peek at some of our very successful Trinket Line!!! There is so much to see and drool over here so let's get started! How about some beautiful medallion flowers - t...
Always love new mist colors and chippie board -- But, am really loving the super mega bottlecaps -- they present endless possibilities!!!
Day 2 Sneak Peeks - "RESISTING" the Urge To Get Misty and Inky!
So before we start Day 2 peeks, someone had a question about the cooking set of chipboards - we think you mean this one: This What's Cookin' Set came out about 1 month ago and has been shipping to retailers! You can see more of it in all its beauty here: Oh and before we forget, all the c...
LOVE this -- cogitating on kits for Flamingo Scraps!
TNT: Frosted Lollipop Christmas Tree
Today we are going to spark up some holiday creativity with TNT. Just in case you missed last week's post, TNT stands for the explosion of creativity that goes on every time I put together a technique post, as well as the fact that my craft area looks like a product bomb has gone off in it, onc...
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