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Kim Malo
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Quality rather than quantity maybe? Peters isn't so much to my taste after the first couple books, but King is a great example of what I'm talking about.
Summer time when the reading is easy
The problem isn’t the heat or humidity per se, it’s that they’ve both been around so long they’re applying for resident parking stickers. This is the area about which Mark Twain supposedly said that if you don’t like the weather... wait a minute. We’re used to variety and we expect it. This sum...
Summer time when the reading is easy
The problem isn’t the heat or humidity per se, it’s that they’ve both been around so long they’re applying for resident parking stickers. This is the area about which Mark Twain supposedly said that if you don’t like the weather...... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Some cool relief from the heat
The friend who introduced me to the band Little Feat had an old VW bug whose floor was rotting away, section by section, with a heating system that honored the concept of warmth more in the breach than in the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Yeah, agreed on both the TV show (like I said, I'm watching it because he has a couple of local chefs on) and on predictability in general. Saddest cases to me aren't the ones that are predictable by book 14 (like you, I've probably given up long since and after all, enough people like that predictability to let the author reach book 14), it's the ones that are predictable by book 3.
Hell's Writing Room?
I don’t have a TV or any desire to make watching one a regular habit, so I don’t usually catch even the high buzz shows like Hell’s Kitchen. But a couple of local chefs are on it this season, which made me a bit curious about the show itself and how they’d cope, sending me off looking for the on...
Hell's Writing Room?
I don’t have a TV or any desire to make watching one a regular habit, so I don’t usually catch even the high buzz shows like Hell’s Kitchen. But a couple of local chefs are on it this season, which... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
I dunno, sounds like the sort of soulmate I DO want to sit next to on the train. Thanks for the guffaws
The woman you don't want to sit next to on a train . . .
Sharon Wheeler Coooo-eeeeee! *Sidles in and has a look around*. Ooh, I might have guessed that standing in for a bookseller would be very civilised – comfy chairs to slob out on, and books everywhere . . . I could get used to this. So how have you all been since I last saw you? Me, I've had a ...
"Who's that then?" "I dunno. Must be a king."
In short, there's simply not A more congenial spot For happily-ever-aftering than here In Camelot. - Alan Jay Lerne, lyrics from the title song in the musical Camelot There are a couple of new "Arthuran” historical mystery series out that... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Do you read the highly amusing Tom Holt (whose best I adore but who has a lot of meh IMO)? The original version comes up as a conscious thread on both sides of the relationship in one of my favorites of his books - Flying Dutch. Where it does get resolved rather more than usually in the end ; )
Who wants ... to live ... for-ev-er?
by Alison Janssen So last night my fiance and I watched Highlander. The original movie, with Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery. (Various asides: 1. Christopher Lambert looks like Aaron Eckhart sans chin dimple. 2. Whenever I type "Lambert" I sing the "Lambert the Sheepish Lion" song in my he...
Thanks Dad
Long before The DaVinci Code was a twinkle in Dan Brown’s checking account, I’d already read all about it in Holy Blood, Holy Grail, thanks to my dad. Like most people I’m a lot of things because of him and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Nice to read something that gives me a big goofy grin. Congrads to both of you for marrying great people.
Anniversary City
Robin Agnew Today is my 27th wedding anniversary. How did that happen? I remember when my grandmother was old, she told me how fast the years went, and being young, I listened politely, but I didn’t believe her. My husband and I met in the most obvious of places: college. We met when he was ...
As someone whose journey out of the womb was probably triggered as much by nascent wanderlust as obstetrical necessity, I love the current trend in favor of mysteries with foreign settings. Real travel rocks, but if vicarious is all I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Nah, take heart - I didn't say it doesn't happen. It certainly does. I just resent the assumption that it's always the case ; )
Getting it
Sometimes, as happened this month, as part of thanking me for a positive review (for some strange reason this never seems to happen with even slightly negative ones...) an author will make a point of saying how pleased he was that I "got it,” got what he was trying to do. Which needless to say a...
Wow, thanks for the kind words. As to critics and not liking the same things, I know what you mean but I also find a lot of times I read someone else's opinion not because I'll likely share it but to see what stood out to them, because their dislikes may bring up things that I'll be apt to like.
Getting it
Sometimes, as happened this month, as part of thanking me for a positive review (for some strange reason this never seems to happen with even slightly negative ones...) an author will make a point of saying how pleased he was that I "got it,” got what he was trying to do. Which needless to say a...
Getting it
Sometimes, as happened this month, as part of thanking me for a positive review (for some strange reason this never seems to happen with even slightly negative ones...) an author will make a point of saying how pleased he was... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Target demographics also enter into it. While you CAN Twitter via the web, it's largely limited to those who do a lot of phone texting. That excludes a lot of people, largely on a generational basis - I know a lot of middle aged and older people who access facebook whether or not they have a page themselves, I don't know that many who Tweet or follow Twitter feeds, much less with any regularity.
Twitter vs. Facebook
Dana Kaye Some people think Facebook is where it's at, others prefer to Tweet. Personally, if I wasn't a publicist, I wouldn't have a Facebook account, I would only Twitter. Why? Top Ten Reasons I think Twitter is better than Facebook It doesn't have all the fluff. Simple status updates are wha...
Summertime blues
My favorite summertime blues involve cerulean skies and azure water, lit by a feed-my-inner-lizard blazing sun that makes me think reminiscently of time spent in Greece. Hmm, when was the last time I made zucchini with skordalia or garides me... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Big thanks to Robin for introducing me a while back to both Det Kubu and Insp Gamache (along with the realization that I am going to have to give William Kent Kreuger a try one of these days too) - series I might not have reached for on my own and would have been much poorer without.
Lists & Characters
Robin Agnew Guilty pleasure alert: I LOVE Entertainment Weekly. It's true you can read it in a half hour - but it arrives every week! I originally subscribed to it because I was monitoring their book reviews for Sisters in Crime, but I quickly grew to love it. In my family, it's worth fight...
Yeah I do. You probably need to turn off the setting that tracks your browsing for recommendations, although it'll still probably give you some generic ones on the stopped clock / twice a day theory. I browse a lot more than buy because of the historical mystery site I run and a review site I help with, while I also buy there for a friend without a computer. So I was getting a ton of recommendations even less relevant until I turned off the browsing setting and set the friends' purchases as gifts, not for recommendations.
"If you like this then you'll love that..." recommendations can be tricky. After all, just because I once bought a frypan from them, seems to feel I am simply pining away for lack of golf tees for the game I don't play, diapers for the baby I don't have, a buzzsaw for the workshop I'd...
Oh dear....
"If you like this then you'll love that..." recommendations can be tricky. After all, just because I once bought a frypan from them, seems to feel I am simply pining away for lack of golf tees for the game I don't play, diapers for the baby I don't have, a buzzsaw for the workshop I'd...
Gotta love readers who get it!!
"If you like this then you'll love that..." recommendations can be tricky. After all, just because I once bought a frypan from them, seems to feel I am simply pining away for lack of golf tees for the game I don't play, diapers for the baby I don't have, a buzzsaw for the workshop I'd...
"If you like this then you'll love that..." recommendations can be tricky. After all, just because I once bought a frypan from them, seems to feel I am simply pining away for lack of golf tees for the game... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
Now that's a character
Picking an important real life historical figure for a protagonist could be seen as a sign of advanced writers' masochism. Sure, plenty of interesting people to choose from, with real life personalities and experiences people would brush off as unreal... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
YESSSSS!!!!!!!! That's one of the ones I couldn't think of because I hadn't seen it lately, but it's exactly what I'm talking about.
Weighty Words
Have your words, been, well, putting on a little unnecessary weight lately? Do they take up more space in a sentence, have trouble finding a Tweet that fits, huff and puff a bit while getting around? Not sure? Well, let’s see—do you always refer to medication where once you took medicine? Yup, t...
Aside from adding syllables but not much else, does make one wonder why they think that needs to be specified... as if the assumption would otherwise be that the doctor was a health care inhibitor?
Weighty Words
Have your words, been, well, putting on a little unnecessary weight lately? Do they take up more space in a sentence, have trouble finding a Tweet that fits, huff and puff a bit while getting around? Not sure? Well, let’s see—do you always refer to medication where once you took medicine? Yup, t...
Weighty Words
Have your words, been, well, putting on a little unnecessary weight lately? Do they take up more space in a sentence, have trouble finding a Tweet that fits, huff and puff a bit while getting around? Not sure? Well, let’s... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2010 at Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room
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