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Shall go have a look myself JoJa, and hope it will not be a case of show boating yet again which virtual worlds do not need.
For such a venture to work the artists have to be an integral part of the venture as virtual worlds are not here to replace fan sites but must have true communities relevant to topic.
Will let you know my thoughts after a visit there
Duran Duran's Official Island in Second Life Finally Opens
[Click here to teleport to Duran Duran's island Azizi in Second Life] Duran Duran's island in Second Life is now open as promised last week, and on a quick visit -- that's me above hovering, on the right -- it looks pretty cool: An island of four regions, there's a skyscraper the shape of lips...
We live in 3D both in space and time, and for those of us already exploring this medium,the urge to scan the horizon is like coming home to a tool we all knew was coming, but did not visualize it till the birth of platforms like secondlife, twinity and the many others.
Like 2D web, it all boils down to content that fills these horizons, be it new vistas to stimulate the mind, or mirrors of places and themes we cannot get to due to geographical distance. Julius Sowu Virtually-Linked
Larry Rosenthal on the Transition from 2D to 3D Interfaces
Today's post is a great one from Larry Rosenthal (Cube Inada), a virtual thought leader and creator of Cube3, a front-line design and consulting firm founded in 1990. Larry has been active across a broad spectrum of virtual worlds for nearly two decades, and brings a wealth of industry expertise...
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