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Recent Activity
Hey! How goes 2010? I was wondering when Plug In...
Hey! How goes 2010? I was wondering when Plug In Plug Out was gonna come out! Im so excited for that EP and have been waiting patiently here in Canada haha. Hope to see it soon!! xxxx Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at Metric
This is so neat! I seriously love the outfits you wear Emily, the are rocking. I love how you keep so much femininity as a rockstar, it makes Metric so unique.
Natomicron added a favorite at Metric
Nov 9, 2009
oops, sorry guys :$ now I just need to learn how to delete mistakes ! apologies !
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I...
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I work in METRIC's management team. I just wanted to thank you for joining FRONTROW and let you all know that if you have any questions, requests, ideas, etc, post them here and I'll do my best to answer you ASAP. This will also act as a place where y...
Yes, Lana is the one and only, thanks so much as well!! Frontrow is looking pretty cool! Very neat community idea! Can't wait to hear from Emily!
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I...
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I work in METRIC's management team. I just wanted to thank you for joining FRONTROW and let you all know that if you have any questions, requests, ideas, etc, post them here and I'll do my best to answer you ASAP. This will also act as a place where y...
Yes, Lana is the one and only, thanks so much as well!! Frontrow is looking pretty cool! Very neat community idea! Can't wait to hear from Emily!
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I...
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I work in METRIC's management team. I just wanted to thank you for joining FRONTROW and let you all know that if you have any questions, requests, ideas, etc, post them here and I'll do my best to answer you ASAP. This will also act as a place where y...
Yes, Lana is the one and only, thanks so much as well!! Frontrow is looking pretty cool! Very neat community idea! Can't wait to hear from Emily!
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I...
Hello to all the new members!! I'm Lanabelle, I work in METRIC's management team. I just wanted to thank you for joining FRONTROW and let you all know that if you have any questions, requests, ideas, etc, post them here and I'll do my best to answer you ASAP. This will also act as a place where y...
Natomicron added a favorite at Metric
Nov 3, 2009
I wanted to say how much I loved the live versions...
I wanted to say how much I loved the live versions of Collect Call and Blindness at Saskatoon's show! Sometimes I listen to a song a lot and never really hear it until I can see it or hear it... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2009 at Metric
Thanks to Metric so much for the Saskatoon show!...
Thanks to Metric so much for the Saskatoon show! and another big thanks for signing my Vinyls at the meet and greet, it was so appreciated. I loves them and you guys!! Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2009 at Metric
Natomicron is now following Metric
Nov 2, 2009
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