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who doesn't think that emily is sexy, all they're songs have great vocals!!!
CBC Radio 3
YAY Ottawa's awsome :D , thank you verry much for comming to Otawa again, i will always be there, if its all ages of course ;)
Ottawa brought the love tonight! Amazing!
Ottawa brought the love tonight! Amazing!
I agree, they're music is somehow magic :) , always makes me happy, can't stop listening to the for 1 second :D
I just wanted to say how much I love Metric; when...
I just wanted to say how much I love Metric; when i'm feeling either up or down, listening to them just makes me happy, and for some reason, it makes me think straight (also useful for studying ). so thank you for beeing you, because it means everything to me. and please come to belgium or franc...
Ever wonder who your bigest fan in ontario is,...
Ever wonder who your bigest fan in ontario is, well your reading his comment ;) you guy's ARE the best band ever :) Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2009 at Metric
Totaly agree, that song rocked my world at the concert in Ottawa, can't stop thinking about it!
The way you guys jammed out Twilight Galaxy in...
The way you guys jammed out Twilight Galaxy in Ottawa was OUT OF THIS WORLD! love how you guys take so many good old-school rock values and come up with your own delicious musical recipies!
Hans is now following Metric
Nov 3, 2009
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