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Me satisfaire Eviter les novices Ceux qui cherchent à me faire taire Jusqu'à ce que je rentre avec l'un d'eux Car je connais la sensation De chercher le fil d'or Et de ne jamais le trouver Coming in your pants Qui ne pense qu'à coucher avec une fille d'affiche Affiche d'une fille "I satisfy myself Evade novices Who want to shut me up Until I come home with one of them Searching for a golden thread, and never finding it, Coming in your pants, Who doesn't think about sleeping with a poster of a girl" Sorry if I messed up the translation. My French is sort of abysmal. It's also worth mentioning that the French is basically the same as the English lyrics, but ... in French! :) Also: Sorry for the multiple posts. It was just easier for me to translate in sections.
Je déteste dormir sans une présence Les surprises semblent alléger ma solitude Alors je ramène quelqu'un dans mon lit Afin de découvrir comment je me sens Comme un bébé Portrait d'une femme Affiche d'une fille Portrait d'une femme Affiche d'une fille "I hate sleeping without a precense. Surprises seem to lighten my solutiude Then I bring someone back to my bed. To discover how I feel. Like a baby. A portrait of a woman A poster of a girl."
Je sais que tu n'aimes pas ta realite. On ne peut pas fabriquer la vérité "I know that you don't like your reality. One can not fabricate the truth."
I listened to the Static Anonymity EP, and I fell in love with Metric all over again. Now I'm depressed at the fact that I can't find anywhere to buy it for a reasonable price. (Although the $50+ price tag... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2010 at Metric
Oh my God. That's something I would do!
I ordered a bunch of Metric merch yesterday. I'm stoked! I can't wait for it to get here. Have any of you guys bought any stuff from their store? If so, what was it, and how do you like it? Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at Metric
thanks for this! it seems like i can't get enough Metric lately.
Eric is now following Metric
Nov 3, 2009