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for me, art journaling is more about the story i want to tell and it's usually messy. there's no reason or theme. i just go with whatever feels good. i feel like my scrapbooking is more about the products and how i can best showcase them to include my photos and stories. i like pretty things so both ways work for me.
Art Journal Every Day: Art Journal vs. Scrapbook
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, all the posts can be found here. Please read this post first. There is a flickr group for sharing right here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. Today is my birthd...
oh my gosh, your layout is BEAUTIFUL! as if i weren't already drooling over this collection, now you've given me the absolute need for it! thanks for sharing!
Studio Calico Blog Hop and Giveaway!
What makes your house feel like home? Since the new Studio Calico product line is called Home Front, we thought it would be fun to share something about our homes. In thinking about it I decided that there isn't really one specific "thing" that makes my house feel like home to me. Rather it is h...
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