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Matthew L. Skamser's only title is "dude who loves Jesus." Anything else just isn't that important.
Interests: He is a lover of God, lover of his wife, and lover of revival.
Recent Activity
Sometimes, as I go through life, humanity sneaks up on me just long enough to wake me up to the fact that without God I don't have much to offer. My own self-preservation, self-interested, humanistic, selfish approach to life becomes absolutely obvious. In these times it is even more obvious that anything supernatural, good and godly must come from absolute dependency on God. This letter, blog, whatever you want to call it is the opposite of a motivational speech and won't impress your flesh one bit. It won't help you "self-improve," but will help you "self-destruct." Keep reading to find... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2011 at You Are Revival
What does sex have to do with Godly living? What does sex have to do with a "Revival blog?" Keep reading to find out. Why is it that it's not so easy for couples, young and old alike, to uphold moral Godly standards in their relationship related to sex before marriage? Why, in contrast, is it a joke sometimes that "sex stops with marriage?" Some older couples even joke about the idea that their love life certainly isn't like it was on the honeymoon. I understand that people aren't getting any younger, but no matter what your age, you can... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2011 at You Are Revival
The best revival meetings ever documented have had no apparent leader other than God. The Holy Spirit can move upon His people in such a way that they are all led by the Spirit to usher in His words, grace, power, and love in these revival atmospheres. You must be open to God's Spirit speaking to you, listen, then act in faith and obedience to what He suggests. However, even in such meetings it is typical that God appoints spiritual facilitators that can be there to monitor the flow of the Anointing and make sure that the Holy Spirit is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at You Are Revival
Hi Friends, Allow me to encourage you for a couple minutes with some quick tips related to seeing and "being" Revival on a daily basis as a disciple of Jesus. Consider your relationship with the Lord. Are you comfortable where you're at? I want you to think about that and meditate on that for a couple minutes... If your answer is "Yes" I would like to challenge you to a deeper level of revival living. There's a big difference between knowing that you're saved (eternal assurance) vs. being comfortable with your walk. A Revivalist is never comfortable with their walk... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at You Are Revival
MattSkamser is now following toddperroud
Sep 16, 2010
"The 100 Year Bloom - Your Keys to Living in Permanent Revival," by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda The believer's KEY to living in rewarding revival is SACRIFICE: A corn of wheat must fall to the ground an die or else it remains alone. Revival is not primarily for personal experience. The reward of revival is seeing Christ formed in others. Jesus gave everything for this. King David made great sacrifice to bring revival in his generation. "...I will surely buy it for the full price, for I will not take what is yours for the Lord, nor offer burnt offerings... Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2010 at You Are Revival
"The 100 Year Bloom - Your Keys to Living in Permanent Revival," by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda The believer's KEY to receiving the first responders in revival is RECOGNIZING THE ANOINTING: When you welcome the Holy Spirit honor the vessel who brings Him, be they young or old, male or female, rich or poor. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because her priests did not recognize that He was the one they had been waiting for. "Your house will be desolate and you shall see Me no more until you say, 'Blessed is he, (or she) who comes in the name of... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2010 at You Are Revival
"The 100 Year Bloom - Your Keys to Living in Permanent Revival," by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda The believer's KEY to living in joyous revival is ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE: As the ancients pointed out, the happy heart draws down the presence of God. Focus on the fruit. Enter into the joy. Take time to smell the flowers! "So I looked for You in the sanctuary to see Your power and Your glory." Psalm 63:2 Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2010 at You Are Revival
It's that time of year... graduation time! A recent slideshow on entitled "The 10 Best Graduation Speeches of All Time," inspired me to write my own mock graduation speech. Please forward to your graduate! The greatest advice I could ever give anybody: God's mercies are new every morning and so should yours be. Don't stay tethered to the past. Keep moving forward, doing the best you can. That's all life asks of us. Stay authentic and passionate... childlike, if you will. Do this, and no matter what you do people will end up appreciating it. God's best anointing through... Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2010 at You Are Revival
This blog entry is about a testimony that should enlighten and encourage all of our faith. It is about a woman who was miraculously healed three weeks ago and is better today than she has ever been! She has shared the testimony of her healing at church and is a living, walking testimony of God's love. It was my privilege and honor recently to minister at a great church in Nogales, MX. Unfortunately I am not yet bilingual and the church is Spanish-only. My brother-in-law interpreted as I tried to keep things simple in my message. We ministers must remember... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2010 at You Are Revival
"The 100 Year Bloom - Your Keys to Living in Permanent Revival," by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda The believer's KEY to living in glorious revival is FEAR THE LORD: The fear of the Lord revives the heart and makes us responsive to His Presence at all times. "The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life." Proverbs 14:27 Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2010 at You Are Revival
This is part 2 of 3 in the series, "keys to seeing miracles." 2. The Fear of the Lord precedes miracles! While documenting the powerful signs and wonders through the Apostles by the power of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit purposely inspired Luke to write that before each of these documented historical references to signs and wonders that the fear of the Lord came upon all the people: Acts 2:43 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. (NKJV) Acts 5 11 So great fear came... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2010 at You Are Revival
"The 100 Year Bloom - Your Keys to Living in Permanent Revival," by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda The believer's KEY to living in costly revival is FREEDOM FROM IDOLS: Revival will force idols of the heart to the surface. Sometimes a religious facade cloaks the root problem. "Those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:24 Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2010 at You Are Revival
Matthew Skamser is probably best known for his involvement with the Tucson Revival. God spoke to him on his way home from the Lakeland Outpouring one Sunday afternoon that he was supposed to go back to Tucson (he was living in Florida at the time) and proclaim that revival is here. God said that the prayers of the saints, His Air Force, had paved the way for His Army to come in and see many people set free and confess Jesus as their Savior. In faith, Matt returned to Tucson with his wife and began to fast and pray. God... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at You Are Revival
"The 100 Year Bloom - Your Keys to Living in Permanent Revival," by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda The believer's KEY to living in spontaneous revival is WATCH & PRAY: Jesus said 'suddenlies' would increase at the end of the age. Watching and waiting, seeking and praying, we will be prepared when He comes. "The Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple!" Malachi 3:1. Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2010 at You Are Revival
The movie Avatar has received quite the buzz and quite the support breaking box office records around the world. Like many movies coming from Hollywood, it has it's flash, it's flair, and it's 3D, but what kind of substance and what kind of message is it really sending to the people that watch it? As a Revivalist, I try to see through the external to the heart of the motive. Revivalists value the internal over the external, substance over superficiality. So, what is the real substance of this movie and is it good for Christians to watch? Listen, I get... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2010 at You Are Revival
Most modern Pentecostal denominations were birthed from revival and reformation. Lutheran, Methodist, Church of God, Church of God in Christ, Assemblies of God, etc. The latter three just in the last one hundred years. I appreciate what God has done and what He is doing. I honor the forefathers of the faith and those who Apostalically tarried to build foundations for God to plant thousands of churches worldwide and see the world transformed as we know it. Since the Azusa street revival it is estimated that over 100 million souls have come to the Lord and likely many of those... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2010 at You Are Revival
God has revealed to me three powerful keys regarding seeing great miracles come forth through your life and influence, as you walk in daily revival living. The first is the "Testimony of Jesus," the second is the "Fear of the Lord," and the third is the "Spirit of Compassion." 1. The Greater the Testimony of Jesus, the greater miracles can occur Lets look at the first major miracle by the "Church" in the book of Acts. In Acts, Chapter 3, we see the case where the lame man was healed at the Gate called beautiful. Immediately in this case, Peter... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at You Are Revival
Wow, Rob Hotchkin should be the marketing director for my new book, "You Are Revival!" He gives a great pitch on the subject, I couldn't have said it better myself in this short amount of time. This book is going to be so relevant to what God is saying to the body of Christ right now. I love it when God confirms things through multiple witnesses! - You Are Revival! Posted using ShareThis Destiny Image Publishers, you guys should hurry up with the trademarking and copyrighting before everybody starts talking about the fact that "We Are Revival." =) Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at You Are Revival
Throughout history God has held His Ministers; His Prophets, Priests, and Preachers, to a very high level of accountability regarding the warnings they are to speak to His people of repentance and accountability to the Word of God. God's standards have not changed over the years, only man's. Nowadays we find Ministers who tickle ears to gain acceptance and offerings from people pleased with positive preaching much more than we have a true, hardcore, black and white message from the Word of God regarding sin and the expectations of God for His people to not fall into idolatry. However, how... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2010 at You Are Revival
"The 100 Year Bloom - Your Keys to Living in Permanent Revival," by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda The believer's KEY to living in messy revival is THANKFULNESS: The way into the Presence was through the Gate of Thanksgiving. When messy revival shows up, be thankful He has come! "When there are no oxen in the stall the trough is clean but much increase comes from the strength of the ox." Proverbs 14:4. Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2010 at You Are Revival
As we near the two year anniversary of the historic and great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the world through what is now known as the Lakeland Outpouring (because of where the Revival Outpouring meetings were being held, Lakeland, FL), God has given me a renewed understanding of why this revival Outpouring happened and what the next revival outpouring is going to look like. There is a new wineskin of revival in the land, and by one noted leader's common description, a "new breed" of Revivalists are being raised up in the earth right now. This leader is Banning... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2010 at You Are Revival
I think I originally heard this song from, a great online prophetic radio station. This song has a particular place in my heart because I would listen to it over and over during a certain stretch where I would stay up all night long with God writing my book, "You Are Revival." Enjoy! Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at You Are Revival