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One scrap-happy, photo-takin' girl!
Interests: Scrapbooking, photography, crafting, memory-keeping
Recent Activity
Parting is such sweet sorrow! I am leaving my Typepad blog to add a new blog to my new website, Come visit me there! Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2010 at Simply Noted
Today is starting out rough. I worked the nightshift last night, and I am punch-drunk tired. Noelle woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and I could swear some alien monster invaded her body during the night because she is in one BAD mood! Micha got no sleep last night, either. Lovely morning. Well, I don't know what possessed me but I found myself dragging out some older photos and embellishing them to make light of the atmosphere around here. I have to admit, I cracked myself up, and I sure do feel lots better! I even managed... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2010 at Simply Noted
I woke up this morning and found an email from the Etsy newsletter. It had a new assortment of recently added items showcased on the front page. I turned 13 shades of green. After I finished drooling, I asked myself, "Why can't I make such cool things? Are my things so boring and dull I'll never, EVER make the front page of Etsy? How do they do it, anyhow?" I felt like a lowly nobody. I looked around my space for ideas and inspiration, and what did I find? A mess! No wonder I can't get my act together....Jennifer you... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2010 at Simply Noted
I've been working (it feels like) non-stop going from my full-time job at the hospital (darn lucky to have that!), to my other "full-time" job as a wanna-be entrepreneur crafting and creating in my "studio" (bedroom) until late at night. It's all very nice and good, and I am happy, but I needed to refocus back to the MOST important full-time job I have: Mom. I got a jolt today when I began to realize that the pain my daughter has been having since last night on her side could be her kidney, a recurrence of her Nephrotic Syndrome she... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at Simply Noted
OMG! Wasn't New Year's Day just a few weeks ago? I could swear it was...Well, I'm prepared for 2011, anyway. I found a cool calendar template at Oscraps, and it makes a nifty CD-size calendar. Small enough for your bulletin board, or your desk. Best of all, it's personalized. Each month has a photo, and a little space for pretty paper and embellishing. It's all done digitally; I cut out the page, and put it on a 2-ring binder mechanism that I've attached to a chipboard base (decorated in pretty paper, of course). My calendars are for sale on Etsy:... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2010 at Simply Noted
A few days ago I mentioned a new project I was working on, and the biggest problem I was having at the time was coming up with a name for it! The memory-keeping-clipboard-thingy is now the Christmas Memories Display kit, and it is completed and ready for review (as it is on Etsy): "This is a 6x8" acrylic board with a 2-ring binder mechanism attached holding a dozen different pages in various shapes, sizes and patterned designs in reds, greens and kraft. Ten paper pages, two acrylic pages, one shape-punched page (circles), one tag, one envelope, and the front page... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2010 at Simply Noted
I am working nights tonight. Getting some rest? Who, me? Sleeping all day? Naw. I have too many crafty ideas in my head to rest! I made some magnetic bookmarks (on sale now at Etsy:, and I now have two photo notebooks (thank you, Micha!), and I am currently working on a new memory-keeping-binder-ring-clipboard-thingy that I can't wait to finish so I can show it (and then make one for myself!). I'm having too much fun to sleep, darn it! Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2010 at Simply Noted
Noelle had a friend sleep over last night. This morning I remembered that girls can have appetites like boys. I walk into the kitchen to find two ten-year-olds preparing breakfast for themselves (why did I sleep in today of all days?). Wow. A little hungry? Growing bodies and growing minds need fuel, I suppose. At least it's healthy, and they actually did a good job. Noelle's friend, Keeley, knows how to make an omelet and taught Noelle (I think...). Yes, those are pickels in the "omelet", as well as raw tomatoes, yellow bell pepper and ketchup (?!), all on a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2010 at Simply Noted
See how much fun I have on a Saturday night? Okay, stop smirking. Yesterday, I posted about what I am working on right now: organizers, calendars, etc. I showed the beginnings of my new organizer (talk about work!), and now it is complete and I wanted to show it off to see if anyone is interested. The inside pages are in PDF format, which means they cannot really be edited or changed, except to omit or add what is available. The outer covers are totally customizable, however, so please keep that in mind. I also have some new, little notebooks... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2010 at Simply Noted
I'm in the process of organizing myself to prepare for the new year. I am putting together resources to make new organizers, cards, and calendars. 2011 is not that far away (!!!), and I want to be prepared so I can help you be prepared. I have a really cool calendar/address/notebook template to make books either 5.5x8.5", like above, or 8.5x11" for even more roominess. I still have another type of address book template, if you just need to update your contacts, as well. Holiday cards are being worked on; I have templates for photo cards and I will be... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Simply Noted
I have some new items for sale! I have three new notebooks, and one scrapbook journal on Etsy, and Art Fire. I am excited because one of the journals I made features Micha's photos on the covers. I love what he's been doing lately; his newest black and whites of the foothills are quite dramatic. I chose one that I particularly like, and I hope you do, too. I will be working more and more to get new things out and ready for the holiday season coming up, so keep that in mind and come visit me often! Happy shopping! Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Simply Noted
Yes, I did. And my husband did, too. We voted together, our tradition, after I came home from work. It's nice that we always agree on the issues and the candidates, and we discuss everything until we come to an agreement, and then we mark our sample ballots, and go together to the polling place. We act like goofy teenagers in line, holding hands, flirting with each other....and finally retrieving our stickers, as if they were badges of some outstanding honor that we worked so hard for. Actually, it is, if you think about it; our forefathers worked so hard... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2010 at Simply Noted
Last night, my baby dressed up as a "pirate cutie" for halloween. It was probably the first time since she was a toddler that she was home and wanted me to take her. Considering the rate at which she is growing (speed of light comes to mind...), I figure she may not want Mom to take her trick-or-treating much longer (if anymore at all), so I better enjoy it while I can. Of course, I'm not allowed to come with; I would, after all, be scarier and more embarrassing than any of the other wierdos out there! So, I kept... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2010 at Simply Noted
I have a tremendous amount of respect for the nurses I have the privilege to work with. In honor of that, when asked about a title tag to go with their badges, I was more than happy to create one for each of these three awesome women. Keeping in mind their fabulousness and trend-setting styles, I have deemed them fashionistas, in the best sense of the word. They are uber-cool, pretty, tasteful, wicked-smart, and have their fingers on the pulse (no pun intended!) of our department. To me, this is the epitome of good style. Plain-old, boring, blase tags for... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2010 at Simply Noted
Today is a really good day at work. Why? It's friday. Not only that, it's the Friday before Halloween, and my talented coworker Chris made homemade chocolate candy to bring in for us! Yummy frogs with cherries inside, chocolate-covered bats, and chocolate rats. Don't forget the gum balls, either! Mmmummy! Thanks, Chris, and happy Halloween all you goblins! I am going to eat too much candy, and I don't care! Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2010 at Simply Noted
Enjoying it all. I just finished creating an address book for someone who contacted me on Etsy. It's fun, and I enjoy the privelege of it. I am also putting together some new organizers, as well as 2011 calendars. Look for these coming in the near future. Remember, 2011 is not that far away! Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2010 at Simply Noted
Recently, my friend James introduced me to an application for iPhone, iPod, or iPad called "Color Splash". LOVE it!! Any photo you choose on your device is turned black and white, and you can paint the original color back into it! Likewise, you may also keep the photo color and desaturate any area for a black and white spot of color! It's so much fun, and so easy, too. "Brushes" on the pad (really, your finger) can be adjusted to any size, and the section you are painting can be turned bright red to make errors or forgotten areas more... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Simply Noted
One day off work is never enough, but on the other hand, at least there's that. It was a very busy, productive day for which I am grateful. Running errands with my hubby can be a treat, and we accomplished a lot. I sold my first journal on Art Fire, very exciting, and mailed it off to New Mexico today. I also received an order from Etsy for a custom address book. I also finished a custom order for a guest book from a vendor I was lucky to meet at the craft show on the 16th. Busy is good.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at Simply Noted
I think I'm allergic to the blue background on those school pictures; they almost make me break out into hives! Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2010 at Simply Noted
Preparing a new layout for display at Pocketful of Treasures...I have pictures of Noelle I have not had the time to do anything with, so this was a nice opportunity to do something. Doesn't sepia look better than the same old cookie-cutter-blah blue? Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2010 at Simply Noted
I love magazines. I get so excited when I come home from work and find them with my mail on the kitchen table, waiting patiently for me to open. When should I read them? I like to save them for self-indulgent moments when I can put my feet up, relax and enjoy with no worries or interruptions. Sometimes it's my break at work, or in the evenings at home. I don't want to rush, be sleepy, or stressing about something else I'm supposed to be doing. My favorites, of course, are the scrapbooking magazines. I will read them once, cover... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2010 at Simply Noted
You may have heard by now how much I enjoyed partaking in an artisan bazaar yesterday, but what I didn't mention is that since I made only four sales, the rest of my items go on Etsy for the rest of the world to see. That means you, too! I know that getting to the downtown section of Fresno is not high on the "must do" list for most people, so I say a big Thank you to Etsy for taking in the rest of my inventory, and making it a cinch to shop from wherever you like! I have... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2010 at Simply Noted
Yesterday was incredible. Here we were: five women, beautiful crafts, coffee and cupcakes, and each of us with our cell phones in hand furiously looking up internet sites recommended by each other, double-checking our Etsy accounts, adding each other to our contacts, critiquing each other's tables of wares, looking at each others things and asking lots of questions. I come out of it not rich financially, but rather much richer emotionally and characteristically. I got some terrific constructive criticism for which I am thankful; a list of new useful websites that will help me; names and information for places to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2010 at Simply Noted
My giveaway on Chaotic Momentum is finally here! Just follow this link and you can enter to win my scrapbook album! I worked hard on this album, and it's very special to me! Thanks! Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at Simply Noted
I am so excited about tomorrow, I can hardly stand it! My physical being is at work today, but my mind, heart and spirit are creating beautiful things! Tomorrow's craft fair at Anzula is my first ever, so I am a little nervous, but no matter what happens, I am determined to have the time of my life. I don't expect anything but to learn a few things. I can't wait! Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at Simply Noted