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Pamela Geller
Fighting in Defense of Freedom
Recent Activity
On Sunday, August 17, from 3:45 to 7PM, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) in cooperation with freedom activist Assaf Shilony and his team will be hosting a rally in New York City's Union Square. Speakers from a huge variety of backgrounds will stand... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2014 at SION Stop Islamization of Nations
Our AFDI honor killing ads which hit the streets last week were taken down today. I just received a call from CTV asking me what I thought of the removal of our ad, which was designed to help Muslim girls in trouble. I had not been told. It was the first I was hearing it. We placed our ads in Edmonton because human rights activists there wanted to partner with our organization to do so. Honor killing is a grim reality that is largely ignored, and girls are suffering as a result. Muslim fathers kill their daughters for real or... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2013 at Leave Islam
If you are thinking of leaving Islam, be wary, be careful. Do not tell your Muslim friends or family. The Qur'an commands your death for leaving Islam (4:89 calls for the murder of renegades from the faith), and Muhammad is explicit in a hadith: "If anyone changes his religion, kill him" (Bukhari). Many, many 'honor killings' have been committed for "crimes" that are in Islamic law considered far less serious than leaving Islam. Think you're safe in America? Rifqa Bary has been threatened numerous times for leaving Islam. Rashad Khalifa was murdered by Islamic supremacists in Arizona in the early... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2013 at Leave Islam
Dr. Ali Sina, former Muslim, found of Faith Freedom International and Board member of SION, advises Muslims seeking help: I Want to Leave Islam Pamela Geller is a brave woman at the forefront of our fight against the encroachment of Islam on western civilization. She is the person who raised the attention of the Americans about the Islamic ploy to build a victory mosque only a block away from the ground zero where the WTC twin towers stood and stopped that project. Pamela is also the one who saved Rifqa Bari, the young American Pakistani girl who converted to Christianity... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2013 at Leave Islam
Photos from The Jessica Mokdad Anti-Honor Killing Conference Nonie Darwish and an attendee Robert Spencer, Robert Muise (American Freedom Law Center) and Geller Nonie Darwish and Darwin Jiles, Jessica Mokdad's dear friend Simon Deng Much thanks to Michael Grambush for sending the photos. Videos to follow this space. Why does the pro-honor killing event get all the positive press? Victory: Full House In the Belly of the Beast -- Truth Gets A Hearing In Dearborn Today We are Fighting for Freedom for All in Dearborn, Michigan Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 30, 2012 at 05:26 PM in... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2012 at Leave Islam
Standing room only Photo: Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and panel of former Muslims From left, Mohammed Asghar: Originally from Bangladesh, ex-Muslim author and an authority on the Qur'an. Nonie Darwish: Ex-Muslim and human rights activist raised in Gaza; director of Former Muslims United; author of Now They Call Me Infidel; Cruel and Usual Punishment; and The Devil We Don't Know. Amani Mustafa: Ex-Muslim from Egypt, TV producer and host of a Christian show, The Muslim Woman, appealing to Muslim women in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. Her show reaches 300 million households globally with 50 million... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2012 at Leave Islam
To register for the Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference, please email [email protected] with your name, email address and number of people. AFDI/SIOA, VAST to Host Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference in Dearborn, Michigan at Hyatt Regency Yahoo News NEW YORK, PR Newswire: The prominent human rights organization American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program and the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST) will be hosting the first-ever human rights conference dedicated to exposing the plight of women under Islamic law in Dearborn, Michigan on the anniversary of the honor murder of Jessica Mokdad: the Jessica Mokdad... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2011 at Leave Islam
If you are in a frightening situation and need help now or feel your life is in peril, write to [email protected] or [email protected]. Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Leave Islam
If you are thinking of leaving Islam, be wary, be careful. Do not tell your Muslim friends or family. The Qur'an commands your death for leaving Islam (4:89 calls for the murder of renegades from the faith), and Muhammad is explicit in a hadith: "If anyone changes his religion, kill him" (Bukhari). Many, many 'honor killings' have been committed for "crimes" that are in Islamic law considered far less serious than leaving Islam. Think you're safe in America? Rifqa Bary has been threatened numerous times for leaving Islam. Rashad Khalifa was murdered by Islamic supremacists in Arizona in the early... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2010 at Leave Islam
Nonie Darwish Author of “Cruel and Usual Punishment”, a sociological analyses of Sharia’s impact on women/men, family, society and globally. She also authored ‘Now They Call Me Infidel”, 2006. Nonie holds a Bachelors degree in Sociology and Anthropology and was a journalist at the Middle East News Agency. She founded to promote understanding and peace. She co-founded which stands for freedom of religion and civil rights of former Muslims. Nonie was born and raised as a Muslim in Cairo Egypt and Gaza. Her father headed the Egyptian military intelligence in Gaza in the 50’s and headed the ‘Fedayeen’... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Leave Islam
Leaving Islam Ads on the road again! I am thrilled to report that the legal matter with Miami Dade Transit has been settled. Not only will FDI and SIOA's buses be going back up, but another twenty will be added to the original buy and rolling down the sweet streets of Collins Avenue. This is a huge victory on the constitutional issues. This is the work of SIOA. Have you joined our Facebook group yet? Go here now! Have you made a contribution to the bus campaign? Robert and I want to roll this out nationwide. We have no big... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Leave Islam
Don't miss this in in Human Events on the suppression of free speech in Miami: Free Speech Denied In Miami by Pamela Geller Bus ads pulled for being "offensive to Islam." In an outrageous denial of free speech rights, Miami-Dade Transit last week forced the removal of a “Leaving Islam” ad campaign on Miami buses because the ads might be “offensive to Islam.” The Freedom Defense Initiative, the new organization I have begun with bestselling author and Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, and the group Stop Islamization of America started the ad campaign as a defense of religious... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Leave Islam
The B-Cast Interview: ‘Leaving Islam’ Bus Ads Trigger Miami Showdown Interview with Pamela Geller, Executive Director of SIOA< on Breitbart's B-cast earlier today discussing the Islamic supremacist suppression of free speech. Watch it now. Breitbart's got some nasty anti-semitic comments over there. Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Leave Islam
Miami-Dade Transit says NO! Offensive to Muslims! Miami-Dade Transit says YES! Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad as Muslim prophets -- not offensive to Jews and Christians! Today and I proud to announce that Robert and I are going to file suit against Miami Dade Transit for killing our "Leaving Islam" campaign. We will sue for breach of contract and violation of the first amendment. I am deeply grateful that David Yerushalmi, P.C. (sharia legal expert) and The Thomas More Law center will handle this matter as fully pro bono. But there are costs involved. I am asking Atlas... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2010 at Leave Islam
Do not insult Islam Miami Transit has pulled our ads. This is living under sharia (Islamic) law. They are pulling our SIOA ads off the buses in South Florida because they offend Muslims. So Muslims can run bus ads all across America inviting the clueless to convert to Islam, but we cannot make information available to Muslims who want to leave Islam. Still think this is a free country? At least three of the bus companies that ran the dawah (invitation to Islam) bus ads turned down our ad. And Miami tore the ads down in less than 48 hours.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2010 at Leave Islam
"The single most important event of this three-day conference." -- Mark J. Koenig at David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog The Freedom Defense Initiative conference "Jihad: The Political Third Rail -- What They Aren't Telling You," held at the site of the Conservative Political Action Conference 2010, was the only event at this most pivotal of conservative gatherings to discuss the single greatest threat our nation faces today: that of the global jihad. The crowd was standing room only; many had to be turned away at the door. But now this ground-breaking event is available in its entirety on DVD! This professionally... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2010 at FDI
While we are in the developmental stages of SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America), great Americans are stepping up to the plate. If you're not a member, join here at Facebook. We're happy to announce these SIOA state officers: You want to become a state officer? Contact us! Further, we... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2010 at SIOA
All politics are local, just ask Obama. I have advised Atlas readers repeatedly to get involved at a local level in their precincts, school boards and various committees. Ginormous hat tip to The Precinct Project blog for this much needed how to post detailing the nitty gritty fitty on the how every one of us If Obama and his ignorant goons can master this ...... Do it! For the children ...... The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy to Take Back the Republican Party and then America at the Ballot Box November 24, 2009 The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy, outlined below, entails... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2010 at FDI
New leaders of Stop Islamization of America I am honored to have been asked by Anders Gravers and Stephen Gash to assume leadership of the Stop the Islamization of America movement. Joining me is my partner in crime, Robert Spencer :) We are very excited to work with our "brothers" in Europe in concert with FDI (Freedom Defense Initiative,) Jihadwatch and of course, Atlas. We are in the planning stages but look forward to actions, legislation, protests, defense and offense in this war, primarily in the information battlespace. We are in this to win. Be a part of us. If... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2010 at FDI
It has come to our attention today that Martin Mawyer, who had been scheduled to appear with us at the premiere of Mawyer's film Islam Rising in Los Angeles on May 1, has had attributed to him a series of offensive anti-gay statements made in 1997. While we don't expect to agree on all issues with those with whom we collaborate on anti-jihad efforts, we do not wish to give the impression that we endorse, agree with, or approve of in any way the statements attributed to Mr. Mawyer. Nor do we wish to give the impression that Geert Wilders... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2010 at FDI
FDI operative Bella infiltrated a CAIR sponsored taqiya event to con and confuse the infidels. Objective: Invitation to Islam. In other words, seduce the infidels to convert. Here's Bella's report: This is what we were invited to: 2/28: Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Believe Sunday, February 28: Under the sponsorship of the Mission and Service Ministry and the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, DC, we will be showing this film originally scheduled for showing at St. Paul’s College in Washington the weekend of the first big snow. Following the film there will be an opportunity to discuss... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2010 at FDI
It is upon us, yet again. The Muslims, the marxists and the enemies of the good take to the streets, the campuses, and the net, and spew their anti-Jewish poison. Every year it gets worse and worse. Spawned in 2005, the hate of IAW was so awful and repulsive that I think most folks thought it would fade away. On the contrary, evil advances when good, decent folks do nothing. Israel, the beachhead of the good and the humane, is under siege by this century's nazis. The hatred of the good for being the good is made all too clear... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2010 at FDI
It was standing room only, and regrets to those who couldn't get in (Sammy over at Yid with Lid and Melissa Clouthier, sincere regrets). This despite the fact that we were off to the side and were going against Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Congressman Stephen King, Congressman Mike Pence, stealth jihadist Grover Norquist and several other panels. Pamela Hall was at our inaugural and has a compelling post at the Vigilant Squirrel Brigade. And the intrepid blogger has videoed the entire event: Here's part I: Pamela Geller and Wafa Sultan. She is loading the rest, so watch this space. Part II:... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2010 at FDI