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H. Mark Delman
Palo Alto, California
Interests: Marketing & general management professional. Interests include urban farming, photography, and travel.
Recent Activity
The San Francisco Chronicle was kind enough to publish and article on the BriteTap Chicken waterer in the Home & Garden Section (Sunday May 5, 2013). You can read the story and also read another article about chicken coops in the same issue. Thanks very much to the folks at the Chronicle for covering us! Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2013 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
Check out this article on how how the design of the BriteTap chicken waterer bucks the trend -- it's Chicken waterer designed to last. Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2013 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
Win A BriteTap Chicken Waterer in our Easter Egg Hunt contest. The egg hunt works like “I Spy” or “Where’s Waldo” if you are familiar with those games. You need to located 5 objects hidden among other objects in a photo. Find the five, and your entered into the drawing. Two people will win a BriteTap chicken waterer (retail value $29.95). Check it out at: Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2013 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
Thanks for the correction! -Mark
They probably did that too! Thanks for your comment.
Thanks very much for the link. Ill have a look and use Babelfish to do some basic translation. Kind regards, -Mark
Want to support new, innovative products designed for people who keep chickens? Then please cast a vote for us in the FedEx Small Business Grant program. The FedEx program will award a $25,000 grant to a qualifying small business with fans willing to cast a vote for them. is the maker of the innovative BriteTap waterer that shields water from dirt and poop so chickens get cleaner water and owners don't need to clean out filthy water pans. Cast Your Vote Here If we win, we'll invest the funds in developing new products for people who produce their own... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2012 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
Pasta dough is hard. I think you run the risk of burning out the motor on your mixer.
Pasta dough is quite hard. I believe you run the risk of burning out the motor.
If you live in the Bay Area and are interested in seeing a demo of the BriteTap chicken waterer, please come visit our booth at the National Heirloom Exposition (Sonoma County Fairground in Santa Rosa). We will be on display from Sept 11-13. We will be available to demonstrate the product and answer questions from 11 AM to 9 PM. Our booth is located between the bandstand and the live animal exhibits, so come on by! Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2012 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
Thanks for your comments. Good luck with your garden. -PlanterTomato
Hi Thanks for the comment. I checked and you are probably right. The altitude at the airport is 5400. I dont know the city at all and its probably true that most folks live at that about that elevation. According the Wikipedia the elevation of the city has a large range and some parts would be 10 min and others 15. Thanks for fact checking. Albuquerque has one of the highest elevations of any major city in the United States, though the effects of this are greatly tempered by its southwesterly continental position. The elevation of the city ranges from4,900feet(1,490m)above sea level near the Rio Grande (in the Valley) to over6,700feet(1,950m)in the foothill areas of Sandia Heights and Glenwood Hills. At the airport, the elevation is5,352feet(1,631m)above sea level.
You might also want to consider givingStupice (pronounced Stew-Peach-eh) a try. Its a small, red heirloom from Czechoslovakia. Thanks for your comments!
How to grind wheat berries and make fresh whole wheat pasta. Continue reading
How to grind wheat berries and make fresh whole wheat pasta. Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2012 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
Introducing the BriteTap waterer from The BriteTap chicken waterer keeps your flock's water sparkling clean and there are no messy pans of water for your to rinse out. Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2012 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
How poultry nipples work and the benefits to those that use them to provide water to their chickens. Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at BriteTap™ Chicken Waterer Blog
How to increase egg production by providing water that is cooler than the ambient temperature. Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at BriteTap™ Chicken Waterer Blog
Why backyard chickens need fresh water and some tips for ensuring that they get it. Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at BriteTap™ Chicken Waterer Blog
Results of growing Frassinetto wheat in my backyard garden and an explanation of how to thresh and winnow the grain. Continue reading
Results of growing Frassinetto wheat in my backyard garden and an explanation of how to thresh and winnow the grain. Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2012 at PlanterTomato Vegetable Gardening
This looks like a mistake on my part. Gasp! The original Latin phrase is ubi mei, ibi apes - where there is honey there are bees. I inverted the expression because I wanted to make it where there are bees there is honey but it looks like I substituted a second ubi where it should have been an ibi. I dont know Latin, but if you know some one who does, please forward to them and see if we can clear this up. Then Ill make the change to the template and repost.
Hi Michaele: Hmmm... hadnt thought of drying peas, but why not. Ill give it a shot. You may have noticed that Im a little behind in my blog postings. I left the company I was working for and have created a company to sell unique urban farming products. My first product is a patent pending item I developed for the backyard chicken keepers. If you have a small flock, it may be of interest to you. Ill launch the product in the next month and will post it to my blog as part of a broader marketing effort. Good luck with your garden. -Mark
This is shaping up to be a good garden year in Northern California. Continue reading