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Michael, this is awesome. No one, especially me, could have expected or predicted the impact of my rides. When I started those rides I was making a commitment. As you write, it became an awesome transformational experience for me and others. Though Brandon's journey is one none of us desire, the impact and the gift of his journey for others is amazing. Thank you, my dear friend, for your perspectives on this!!
Toggle Commented Jul 2, 2012 on Brandon's Butterfly Effect at SalesSquawk
Michael,you probably won't get much of a response from me on this post. Either they see the potential or they don't. I am neither responsible for their past failures nor am I responsible for convincing them of future opportunities. However, my value system is such that if a sales person expects a salary as a requirement for taking a sales position, chances are they are not what I am looking for in the first place. They can go work for someone else.
Toggle Commented Aug 17, 2010 on So Dave, Why? at SalesSquawk
Michael, as always as always a thoughtful and precise perspective. I have lots of thoughts. Check out the link for my retort: is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 27, 2010