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Jay & Bebie
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We're alone now
Guest post from: Constance Rodgers I have heard it said that children take all your time, all your money, all your thoughts, and all your love. Then, they grow up and leave you. Well if you have raised them right, then that is what they should do. Hopefully when they... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2012 at Todays Entertainment
Watch Motel Hell movie, its funny and scary
Motel Hell is the horror movie made the year (1980). I like this m ovie is funny and scary. If I remember exactly it is rated four star. So I guess a lot of people like the "Motel Hell" . The movie is characterized by an old man farmer Vincent... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2012 at Todays Entertainment
Police Officer
Guest post by Gerard Mcdaniel You would think have a husband that is a police officer you would feel pretty safe in your house. I usually do! When he is home I know that no matter what happens our family will be protected. The problem is having a husband that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2012 at Todays Entertainment
Mrs. Winterbourne(1996)
My husband recorded this movie for me last month ago or so but I didn’t mind him. He said I try to watch the movie. This month I finally watch the move Mrs. Winterbourne. I didn’t expect that this movies is really good. What I can say is this is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2012 at Todays Entertainment
The Author of this post is Velma Baird It seems like everyone I talk to these days is all over the internet with their Facebook and their Twitter and their foursquare. The thing that I can’t really get in to is the Twitter craze. I have a Twitter name and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at Todays Entertainment
More Green by Going Green
Our Texas home was more than 25 years old and it was time for some serious upgrades. Living in a region that is known for weather extremes, it only made sense to beef up our ways to stay warm and cool as the seasons changed. My husband and I poured... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2012 at Todays Entertainment
Lionheart movie
So far among all the movies starring by Van Damme, the one that I like the best is Lionheart. That movie is made perfectly and acted perfectly by the actors. There is no nudity or sex scandal in Lionheart movie. I like it and I wish there is part II... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Husband's family lives in middle of no where
Authored by Greg Fletcher When my husband and I started dating, we always spent the holidays apart. It was not because we didn’t want to see one another. It was because we were both so close to our families and we didn’t want to miss out on family time. When... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Fragrance as part of one big piece of the equation
Whenever I get ready in the morning, I just don't feel like I'm fully put together in the morning unless I spray some perfume on myself right before I walk out of the door. I've just always gotten in the habit of doing that and it's something that I'll probably... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Age doesn’t matter over love
Among all the singer throughout the world. The most kind and honest singer I like is Celine Dion. This week I watch the latest news and documentary show on TV about her and her family. I like her a lot she is a good wife and great mother of her... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Very nice homes for rent in Cochrane, Alberta
Are you looking for a home to rent in Cochrane, Alberta? If so I can help you out; I found a website that has several Cochrane homes for rent. I found some beautiful townhouses and condo apartments. Some are fully furnished, and very well set up. I couldn't believe how... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2011 at Wanders and Wonderings
Medical uniforms that make you look as good as you feel
If you are in the medical profession, you probably know firsthand just how boring scrub clothes and medical uniforms can be. Everyone looks just alike. There is no individuality, boring boring boring! Wouldn't it be nice if you could get some designer scrubs that looked and fit according to your... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
New House Key
Authored by Rickey Combs There’s nothing like the feel of a new house key in your hand and that’s exactly what I got to experience last week when I closed on my first place! I’m so excited to finally be a homeowner with my girlfriend and I think she’s just... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2011 at Wanders and Wonderings
Being New Here
Being the new kid in town is always tough but I feel like my kids have had a particularly rough time with it for some reason. Shelly has always had trouble making good girlfriends and Mark is 13 and he’s pretty short for his age so he’s had a hard... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Hair Salon Owner
Contribution by Saul Martin My own hair salon? If you would have told me ten years ago this is what I would be doing I would have laughed you out the door but here I am, a licensed technician with my own salon under my name and several stylists working... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2011 at Logical Thinking
There’s pretty much nothing I like about coffee houses. I hate having to wait in line and listen to yuppies talk about their non-fat mocha choka soy latte with half caff foam. I hate having to pay five dollars for coffee beans, water, and milk. I hate the stupid music... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Last night my husband and I been watching the “Fluke” movie. The movie was awesome. It made me feel sentimental that I wanna cry. The Fluke movie is about a family. If you have never watch this movie I suggest you to watch it. It is interesting movie and there... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Guest post by Terrell House I'm not the type that usually goes to concerts. I hate crowds and I hate being in traffic. Two things that are pretty much guaranteed to be there at a concert. But when I heard the Japanese rock group, the Vamps, were going to be... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2011 at Wanders and Wonderings
Hire a professional worker to fix the damages you got at your home
Every human being has different talent and interest. Some are good about house maintenance and some are not. In fact, when my sister bought a house for my family, we have trouble in connecting water supply for the house. If that happen to you there is an easy way now... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Data Exchange
My company takes up a lot of space. Space, that is, online. We are in the business of data exchange and though I can’t be more specific, I can tell you that we track the online habits of over 30,000 customers per day and base site-generated ads toward their preferences.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
The best car insurance available for people in Australia
If you live in Australia and are needing to find some better car insurance, look no further. Check out Buzz online and let them give you a quote. You have your choice of comprehensive car insurance or you can tailor make whatever kind of insurance policy that suits you. Some... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
With all I am
Do you like to listen Christian song? if so I got one for you. It is "With all I am" I hope you will enjoy to listen to it. I copied the lyrics so you can sing while you watch the video. Not long ago I download a lot of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
Time for the Children to Return to School After Winter Break
Guest post written by Derick Burks Today was like the first day of school back in August. My children did not want to get out of bed. They did not want to wash and brush their teeth. They appeared at the breakfast table as if they were being forced to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Wanders and Wonderings
New Year's Eve is Movie Night For Me and My Wife
Thanks for the article from Maxine Taylor It has become somewhat of a tradition for me and my wife to take in a movie to bring in the new year. Movie theaters are generally not terribly crowded on New Year's Eve, so it provides for a little bit of an... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
carpet cleaning is best left to a professional
My husband and I have a carpeted floor and it feels pretty comfortable. One of these days soon, we need to have it cleaned. We have been discussing it and trying to decide who to get to clean it. It has pet odor in it and we need to use... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at Todays Entertainment
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