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Navigating life, marriage, motherhood, and friendships...without the proverbial pink Cadillac
Interests: READING...right now there are at least 4 novels on my nightstand...and I prefer fiction, unless I am in a crisis! :-) ...LISTENING...I have always loved hearing people's life stories. I'll always ask you tons of questions, so I can learn even more!... FRIENDSHIPS...these heart connections are what ground me, and make me giggle!.. COOKING...nothing soothes my soul quicker than cooking something delicious...baking something sweet is even better!... A GOOD STORY...I admit, I am a sucker for a good a movie, in a novel, or on a t.v. show. It doesn't matter. I just have to know how it ends!
Recent Activity
Oh, dearest readers, I have so much to tell you! And, because you KNOW I cannot seem to make any story short...*grin* I will go ahead and tell you my EXCITING NEWS ALL AT ONCE!!!! (Yes, I'm yelling! Or rather, squealing!!!!) (Okay, now I can't decide which one to tell... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2014 at MarytheKaytheBlog
Happy President's Day! In honor of some of our greatest Presidents (and some of my own personal favorites) I thought it would be fun to celebrate--once again--with some TRIVIA and VIDEOS!! (This is a re-posting from last year. Want more trivia? Check out another President's Day post!) How much do... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2014 at MarytheKaytheBlog
The 2nd Annual Chili Supper & Pie Auction is this Sunday, Jan. 26th, starting at 12:30 at Branson Junior High. The lunch is just $7, and includes all you can eat chili, a drink, and dessert. The super fun pie auction will start at 2pm. (You especially won't want to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2014 at Riley's Treasures
Oh my goodness. How I have MISSED you, dearest readers. I know you all must think I had died...or fallen off the edge of the world. But, I've been here. Quiet, and busy pondering what life needs to look like in our home. Speaking of which, I have SO MUCH... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
If you're like me, you've been very busy lately hunting for the perfect Christmas gifts for the loved ones in your life. If you're like me--you find your budget getting stretched thin this time of year. (About the only thing getting thin this time of year--am I right?!) Or perhaps... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2013 at Riley's Treasures
Yesterday, as the sleet and snow were falling, Santa's elves were busy unpacking boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations, wreaths, and gifts! We also were putting out lots of winter coats, sweaters, and boots. We also were tackling the "back room," which means we were elbow-deep in organizing bags and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2013 at Riley's Treasures
It's feeling like Christmas morning every time we bring out another box of Christmas decorations! (Well...except for those swimsuits...we'll save those for later. Nobody wants to see that much skin on a day like today!) Now, WHEN do we decorate at OUR house...? That is a very good question... Have... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2013 at Riley's Treasures
Wow, what an eventful day! After a whirlwind of stops this morning to secure all the appropriate business-y permits and licenses, we met at the door of Riley's Treasures to receive the key (and the BUSINESS!!!) from The Boys and Girls Club (Riley's Treasures was formerly the Boys and Girls... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2013 at Riley's Treasures
Please keep checking back - we're working to make it fab-u-lous!!! Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2013 at Riley's Treasures
We were so excited tonight to find Riley's Branson Tri-Lakes News article made it to the front page of the Rebelution website! What is the Rebelution, you ask? Well, go check it out!! It is exactly what Riley--and so many of her friends in Branson--are doing as a part of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2013 at Riley's Treasures
I just bought Blog Design for Dummies! Thanks, Laura!! Can't wait to see your pretty blog design in print! I haven't said it lately--but I really really LOVE your blog design. Happy Thursday, friend! Sorry I haven't been commenting lately...but I AM reading every day! :-)
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2013 on books by bloggers at hollywood housewife
1 reply
Today's post is in honor of some of my dear friends who have battled some nasty monsters in some scary battles. One friend in particular is in the middle of a battle right now. I cannot tell you how MUCH I admire these dear people. These weary warriors, who bravely... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
Today, I am keenly aware that because of this and men like this and men and women like this and men and women who do this Because of all of these things, I am GRATEFUL today...and every day... Because of these things, our family proudly flies this on our house... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
I know I haven't written here in a very long time. I have to admit--I've missed you guys. But, it's been a much-needed break. Life needs to be about the living, not about the blog post pictures and titles. So, I read something that inspired me. And it made me... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
Several years ago, a friend of ours called during Thanksgiving weekend and said he needed our help. He had already started driving the several hundred miles towards our home, and was really hoping he could stay with us for a while. We told him, "Of course" and said he could... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
Okay, not technically my baby girl... But, she was my baby girl just 14 years ago. And, oh, what a sweet and dreamy baby she was. My little (or not so little!) fuzzy blond-haired baby girl. Happy 13th birthday, my Becca Boo! You are a delight, and a treasure to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
He is not here! For He is risen! (Please please CRANK UP THE VOLUME before you push play! I promise you'll be glad you did!) Happy Easter, dearest readers! I'm sorry I've been so quiet lately...but I must admit, the break in writing has been much needed. Now, go ye... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
In honor of our everyone in the whole wide world's Spring Breaks, I thought it would be fun to post an entertaining Spring Break video. Get it? Upcoming Spring Break = Spring Break video on my blog Anyway, enjoy. I don't know if you've seen any of these kids' videos,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
I'm one of those that says I don't like non-fiction. But, in reality, it's the self-help books I can't stand. To me, most of those books could be written in a paragraph--just tell me the important information in a couple of sentences. Why spread the important information into a whole book? (But, I DO realize that not all self-help books are full of such "fluff." I just don't LIKE them, so I lump them all into the same category :-) I want to read a STORY. Some of my favorite books are memoirs and biographies, which are technically non-fiction. I have been addicted to stories since the first days I could read. And I happily haven't gotten a good night's sleep since.
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2013 on fiction v. non-fiction at hollywood housewife
1 reply
Do you ever feel like a failure? Because I sure do. I did earlier today, and I do again tonight. Wow. How's that for Telling Your Truth Tuesday? Well, why the heck not tell the truth? The perfection I see on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter gets exhausting. I prefer... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
Well, well, well, what have we hear, my dearies? It's THE WEEKEND!!!!!! (insert wild screaming and shouting here) Okay, not really. I am not sure I have EVER wildly screamed or shouted in my entire life. Well, except maybe on that county fair ride from the devil. I think it... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
Your babies are just precious! Precious!! As are your words of love for them. I am so happy for your family!! And I can't wait to read about your birth story! Your words and pictures just make me SMILE tonight. Thanks!
1 reply
For about a year, I have been struggling with what to do about this blog. I started this blog for one reason, and as all blogs seem to do, mine has evolved over time. Okay, so I'm going to be really transparent here. I started this blog as an opportunity... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog
I don't like to make a big deal out of things around here, so I didn't say anything before-hand, but last week I went under the knife. I just love how dramatic that sounds! UNDER. THE. KNIFE. dun-dun-dunnnnnn. I hate even mentioning what kind of surgery I had...because it just... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2013 at MarytheKaytheBlog