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Jewelry designer and craft nut
Interests: jewelry, clay, fiber arts, painting, paper crafts, beading, reading, travel, family
Recent Activity
Bead Soup Reveal!!
Today is the day we all reveal our creations made with our swaps!! Thanks to Lori Anderson for putting this whole thing together. I can't imagine all the organizing and tracking needed to pull this off. And now she says the next one will include everyone who wants to play?... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2012 at Adventures in Creativity
Pay It Forward!
I'm sure many of you have heard of those Facebook challenges where the first 5 people to respond will be made something by hand by the poster in exchange for doing the same for 5 people on their own pages. My friend Michelle O. psoted one of these challeneges and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at Adventures in Creativity
Bead Soup Blog Hop! I Got In!!
How awesomely exciting! I was chosen to participate in the Bead Soup Blog Party! I was paired up with Sandra Young of Gypsy Road Beads, wayyy up in Alberta, Canada where it's actually cold this winter. hee hee Here is the gorgeous package she sent me. The bead soup as... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at Adventures in Creativity
New Year! New Energy! New Ideas!
So this is it. It's 2012. With this new year brings new excitement and energy, new ideas and opportunities. 1. Developing a line of quilts based on and paired with self-published children's books. 2. New jewelry. 3. Making Balancing Space, my in-box magazine, amazing and fruitful. 4. Collaborative paper mache... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2012 at Adventures in Creativity
New Projects and Updates
Hi all! First, this blog will be moving to a new home soon. 6 petal Crafts is getting a brandy new site with a whole makeover. Can't wait to share it with you. I have had a mirror that belonged to my grandmother for years. It's hung in every place... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
Fogland Waters
Hurricane Irene has come and wreaked what damage she could on the majority of the East Coast. Luckily, our home in Rhode Island weathered this storm as it has weathered storms in the past. Little damage could be detected from our property and most of the small peninsula it occupies.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2011 at Balancing Space
Decision, Decisions
Happy Monday everyone! Over the weekend, I did some soul searching, some thinking, some planning, etc. One of my "issues" is that I have so many things I want to do and varied reasons for not doing them. My reasons include money, skill, fear, time commitment and confusion. My husband,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
Musing & Reaching
It is Wednesday. I have just emerged from a hot shower with new bandages and clothes warm from the dryer. My surgery is 6 days old. Recovery has been more uncomfortable than expected. Although, this being my very first surgery, who knew what to expect. I sat down with my... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
Latest & Greatest from Sanford & Kidd
Today being Friday and the first Friday that I've felt up to being out and about, off to Sanford & kidd I went. Actually, 6 of us went, which was a nice change. I found a chair, a nice bulky 70's bar swively stool with a padded seat and back.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
New Project in the Works
Well, this is what my blog feels like! Gosh, it's been so long! Since many of you do not know, I have been dealing with some pretty severe back issues over the last 6 months, which has made my blogging and almost everything else much more difficult. But I persevere... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
Social Medusa
Lately it seems that a new social media platform emerges every other day, each with astonishing applications and implications for businesses large and small, while the off days are flooded with new widgets, plug-ins and buttons. Each new development comes bundled with promises to catapult your marketing efforts to the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2011 at Socialcopter
Tie Dye Duvet
Frequently I receive a catalog from a company called CB2. They are a branch of Crate & Barrel catering to those who live in large open spaces such as industrial lofts. I love their stuff. I love looking through the pages and imagining their pieces in my own space. Unfortunately,... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
"What makes social media marketing such a difficult concept for business owners to wrap their heads around?" she asked me. "Because," I ventured... "It's not like advertising; it's just conversation. How is that so challenging?" "Well, for some people-" "Some people just don't get it. You don't have to flood... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2011 at Socialcopter
Art Talk!
Well, it has certainly been far too long since I have posted here. The last project I finished was the Llama quilt. After that I was inundated with preparing for our Kentucky Derby Fundraiser for our Relay For Life team. It went pretty well given that it was our first... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
3 Tools for Customizing Your Facebook Fan Page
We've been noticing that, while a large number of Facebook group administrators are rolling with the recent obligatory changes that Facebook has made in the way groups work (see, many others are opting to abandon the group format in favor of Facebook Fan Pages. Since Pages are both more... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2011 at Socialcopter
Michelle is now following Anne
Apr 26, 2011
Llama llama Red Pajama!
This year, I am participating in the Relay For Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Of of the tasks for each team is to design and compile a basket for auction at the event. Our team is called Lynda's Llamas, in honor of one of our lost family members.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
Using Social Media Bookmarks
Ever worked on blog posts for hours, creating articles you’re proud of, only to wish you had more readers? If so, you’re not alone. But here’s a bit of good news: never before have there been more ways to amplify your blog posts and get people to see them. And... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2011 at Socialcopter
Economic Matrices Old and New
Our economy--locally, nationally and globally--has suffered a series of insults and injuries with no great hope of recompense from, or justice for, those most responsible. We can blame tax cuts, entitlements, corporate bailouts and pay-offs, special interests, sweat shops in China or Osama bin Laden for our economic woes, or we can understand that the world has undergone a fundamental shift in the way business is conducted in the age of digital interconnectivity, and try to respond accordingly. Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at Socialcopter
Tissue Paper Stained Glass
Yesterday I spent the afternoon rummaging through a number of storage tubs, thinning things out, getting rid of things I hadn't looked at in years, etc. Amongst the "debris" I found an old binder thing with clippings in it. I used to subscribe to Family Fun magazine and clip like... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
How to Stumble Upon New Content for Social Media Interactions
As social media sites go, hasn’t got the clout of Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. It isn’t the go-to place for connecting face-to-face with friends and followers, much less does it offer many built-in mechanisms for driving traffic to your website or to the door of your brick-and-mortar. We haven’t... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2011 at Socialcopter
12 Mind-Blowing Statistics Every Marketer Should Know
It's no secret that the marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years as social and mobile technologies have gone from early-adopter novelties to mainstream essentials. Still, there are plenty of traditional marketing stalwarts out there who aren't buying all of the social media hype or can't convince... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Socialcopter
Well, I did it! I finally finished the queen size batik quilt I've been working on forever. I love it! Can't wait to snuggle under it tonight. Feels so good to finish it. On to the next one... What have you finished lately? Yours in Creativity! Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2011 at Adventures in Creativity
Does This Look Familiar?
You may have started seeing these oddly pixelated images around town, in magazines and on the web. QR codes promise soon to become as ubiquitous as UPC symbols (You know, those barcodes on everything from fresh fruit to lumber to laundry products and book jackets). QR stands for “quick response”... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2011 at Socialcopter
Michelle is now following Jenny Doh
Mar 31, 2011
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