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Melissa Hoopes
Southern Saratoga County, NY
Recent Activity
I have a soft spot in my heart for cocker spaniels, Jan, as we had one growing up, Taffy. She was my very best friend. Thank you for commiserating!
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
LA Street Art
Posted Jun 26, 2016 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Thank you for your kind words =^..^=
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
It's the worst Kerri. Don't think about though, just enjoy Max as much as you can and give him a hug from me. Thanks much.
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
Thank you for your note Tracy - it's nice of you and much appreciated. Our memories are indeed, sweet.
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
Thank you Peggy! You are one who wears your heart on your sleeve, as I do, so of course I made you cry :) Thank you for the blessings and know they are returned two-fold. Love to you too.
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
What a lovely message to receive Eileen. Thank you for your kind words and sympathy. It is much appreciated - your kindness helps soothe the hurt =^..^=
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
I know how much you understand Jenn. Thank
you for the hugs for both me and Mister H, on my behalf :) It is much appreciated kiddo. Hope you, Chris and Mister Harley have a wonderful 2016!
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
Thank for your note Fran. It is tough to lose them and, at the same time, impossible not to love and cherish them too =^..^=
Our Sweet Toby
I don't write in my blog as often as I should - there always seems to be something with a higher priority. I regret that, as I don't see the sweet face of my kitty, Toby, on these pages. Toby came to us two years ago, in December, 2014. We had lost our two cats that year - Duke in January and Sy...
Our Sweet Toby
Posted Jan 1, 2016 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Happy New Year
Posted Jan 1, 2016 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Sweet Little Friend
Posted Dec 15, 2015 at For the Love of Rubber Art
A December Afternoon
Posted Dec 10, 2015 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Zenith ~ A New Tangle from Zentangle HQ
Posted Sep 3, 2015 at For the Love of Rubber Art
The Creative Process Revealed
I think Murray The Nut brilliantly explains the creative process: Especially the binge eating. Oh, and napping. Also, cannot forget the random surfing. No. Don't forget internet surfing. For hours. In fact, let's bump that percentage up a bit. via Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 12, 2014 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Posted Apr 6, 2014 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Happy Heart Day
Posted Feb 14, 2014 at For the Love of Rubber Art
That is sweet of you Peggy - thank you! The MB stencils should be back in stock soon, by the way. I'll let you know when they arrive.
Something Special...
My dear friend, Karen, and I have been friends since high school...and that's a long time. We don't see one another too often anymore but can always pick-up right where we left off, no matter how long it's been. That is the joy of having a longtime friendship. Karen's birthday is February 27 ...
Thank you LuAnn! I hope you are having fun with your new stamps and dies. Stay warm!
Something Special...
My dear friend, Karen, and I have been friends since high school...and that's a long time. We don't see one another too often anymore but can always pick-up right where we left off, no matter how long it's been. That is the joy of having a longtime friendship. Karen's birthday is February 27 ...
Something Special...
Posted Feb 6, 2014 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Happy New Year...tangled
Posted Jan 22, 2014 at For the Love of Rubber Art
A New Tangle Pattern ~ Fiore
Posted Jun 24, 2013 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Rainy Day Remedy
Posted Jun 12, 2013 at For the Love of Rubber Art
Garden Visitor
Posted Jun 3, 2013 at For the Love of Rubber Art
More Amusement from Handmade Ryan
Reblogged May 10, 2013 at For the Love of Rubber Art
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