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The Smile Lines
It is my most sincere wish that each day your smile lines run deeper than they did yesterday!
Recent Activity
LOVE all of these great ideas!!! ADORE how you added items to the picture! I just drool over all of your decorating tips! Hope Jenny posts pictures soon of how she decorates! :)
Reader Request: Jenny H. Needs Advice on Her Dining Room Decor
Sweet readers, just to give you an idea, below is what we're working with! Such a gorgeous room and I can't wait to show Jenny what we've diligently been working on for her! I've rounded up some amazing chair options for Jenny that are mostly all well under her $100/piece budget. Each...
love, love, LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!!! I want to do it this instant!!!!
DIY: Before and After - How to Add a Chalkboard Wall to Your Kitchen Cabinet
(Click to Enlarge) Chalkboards are popping up everywhere. They are a great way to add a touch of personalization into whatever living space you deem appropriate. We recently got on the kitchen chalkboard bandwagon and just wanted to share how incredibly easy this do-it-yourself project tru...
The Smile Lines is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 20, 2010
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