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St. Patrick
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Well said Gary. The picnic's over.
FOX Money Rocks: Pamela Geller on Imam Rauf's Ground Zero Mosque Money
I heard that the Muslim Brotherhood front, Hamas-linked CAIR wanted to come on the show but the Islamic propaganda machine was denied. Heh.
Thank you Pamela! My Super-Duper Girl!
SIOA Applauds Church's Decision to Stop Sale of Convent to Islamic Supremacist Group
Reuters! SIOA Applauds Church's Decision to Stop Sale of Convent to Islamic Supremacist Group Reuters NEW YORK, July 22 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The human rights group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) today applauded a decision by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York and Saint Margar...
St. Patrick is now following Annie Oakley
Jun 30, 2010
Thanks Supergirl. Love your picks..Keep 'em comin'..
Saturday Night Cinema The Stoning of Soraya M
Tonight's feature is an exceptional film, The Stoning of Soraya M. It is an excellent film and should be shown in schools (instead of an Inconvenient Gore). It is a powerfully moving indictment of the Islamic practice of stoning adulterers and sharia. This is sharia (Islamic) Law. Click below t...
Like it or not,you're also a Jew,as are we all in this fight. If you can't appreciate somebody(like Pamela or anybody else) fighting for you on your behalf then STFU! Get back into your fetal position ya twit.
English Defense League (EDL) London Rally in Defense of Geert Wilders, Friday 2pm GO!
Geert Wilders was victorious in his bid to strike his banning in Britain by the jihadist infiltrators. The EDL is holding a rally in Defense of Free Speech, in London at the House of Lords. How I wish I could be there to stand with the English Defense League. Live Internet Feed EDL London Ma...
Impeach the usurper/communist/liar half white/black pseudo President and elect Allen West as President..The REAL first black President..Problem solved.
Just like Thomas Edison in true American fashion..Obama ain't passin' the litmus test and the gears are grinding.
Pamela..THANK YOU..You are,truly, great.
FDI SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Lt. Colonel Allen West, War Hero, Candidate 2010 FDI CPAC EVENT: Jihad, The Political Third Rail
Jihad: The Political Third Rail – What They Are Not Telling You is a conference featuring some of the premier American and international voices of resistance to the global jihad and Islamic supremacism. This inaugural event of the Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI), a new activist organization fou...
Way to go Pam! This legalised murder has to stop now! And you are an inspiration to all free thinking tortured women who think they have no options in a free society out of fear. Superwoman Flies High in Ohio!
UPDATE: Rifqa Rally Videos: The Speeches And so they came ....from Wisconsin, Toronto, California, Dearbornistan (so they said), Michigan, New York, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Missouri, Louisiana ..... and it was good. (Big giant shout out to Big Fur hat who cr...
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