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I run a blog about MS and I am a student.
Interests: history, animals, heroes, star trek, books, oldies rock
Recent Activity
Asuuna added a photo at Zachary Quinto
I hope this works. It looks like my friends brand new kitten. =)
Jun 21, 2010
Oh I am on the border with New York. If I wasn't literally in the process of moving from Ontario to Alberta I would go in a nanosecond. =( I'm also secretly hoping he spends more time involved in Star Trek projects and... *cough* attending conventions lol.
Toggle Commented Jun 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
That sounds fun! =)
Asuuna added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Hey guys! It feels like its been years since I was here. Granted, it was probably December. I am moving to Alberta soon and so I have been renovating my house to sell. Its a full time job lol. I just read about Heroes being cancelled. So I came here for support lol. Perhaps we will see much more Before the door projects. I am excited about the new one. i just read that he starts filming like today =) Anyway I wanted to stop in and see everyone. Whats the news and how has everyone been? Enjoy the picture. 2 of my fave things, cats and Beatles. =)
Jun 21, 2010
Since you asked, it's *beauty. I always had trouble remembering how to spell that word. Coffee sounds wonderful. I hope it's as warm here today as it has been lately. Feels like spring in Canada right now. =)
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Asuuna added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Hello friends! Its been a very very long time since I have been able to stop by. Howl Wolf just asked me to say "Hi!" to everyone, her computer is on the fritz right now. I've been busy, hardly going online at all anymore it seems. I've been looking at the old 1st season Sylar pics. Mmmm that was my fave Sylar year, and S2. He looked so dark and scary, so sexy. Looks a little younger to I think. Anyway, I hope I am able to stop by more frequently in the coming weeks. <3 you guys!
Feb 22, 2010
I'm not sure. Matt said he was trapped alone with his own immortality. So I assume he has Claires ability in the dream world. But when he tried to use an ability on parkman after it was done he could not. That's all I know. I am sure we will find the answer to that next week.
Toggle Commented Jan 26, 2010 on Question inside: at Zachary Quinto
Asuuna added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Well I enjoyed tonights Heroes. I was so involved with it I didn't realize an hour had passed, I was not amused when it ended. I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I will just say I was not down with what happened to Dawn (Lydia) but it did increase my appreciation for her acting talent. I hope this cheers anyone up who is in need of cheering. I see a few unhappy posts. I'm going to play some Wii now and relax after that dramatic episode lol. Goodnight everyone!
Jan 25, 2010
Lol, aww Queen, they have had a hard time. With the writers strike, and having to replace the original writers, they have been through a lot. It's hard to pick up someone elses story and keep writing it.
1 reply
Yes I agree. I like Claire, but I was getting so bored of her. I felt there was too much focus on her in the previous seasons, and even this season. But the past 2 episodes have redeemed her character a lot for me. I'm waiting for when she kisses Gretchen. I think they would be adorable together lol.
Matt trapped Sylar in a dream of his worst nightmare. It's the same thing his Dad did to him and Nathan in season one (I think it was S1). And Sylars worst nightmare is being alone. So Matt made him alone in a world void of humanity and immortal.
1 reply
Asuuna is now following Nuttydred
Jan 12, 2010
Oh I only missed Close to You.Pass/Fail is next week. ARG HOW DID I MISS IT?
Well I can't stay, I was hoping to get some Heroes info without spoiling the plot, but there's spoilers all over this place so I don't want to hang around, sorry guys! Looks like I missed 2 episodes, Close to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Toggle Commented Jan 12, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around much. The boyfriend is off work for the season, and he doesn't really appreciate me trolling the ZQC right in front of him lol. I understand, it's not very nice to drool over... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Sure do Tiff! *stuffs cookies in mouth*
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Asuuna added a photo at Zachary Quinto
I'm heading out for now. Here's a litt;e Star Trek meets lol cats humour, my fave kind. ;) Thanks for cheering me up guys. Going to see if I have the energy for some guitar hero. I got it for Christmas and I haven't had the energy to play it yet. =) Laterz! <3
Dec 27, 2009
=( *hugz*
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Yes Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado are all homes to Anazasi. I believe Chaco Canyon is in AZ. Hmm, I need to look it up now lol. Chaco Canyon is beautiful, but most people don't know the Kiva was packed almost the the rafters with cannabolized bodies. =/ It's a grim place. This particular picture is in Colorado. I'm envious you've gotten to see some ruins in person lol.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Mmmm I'm dreaming of it now. They allow an overnight trip there. You have to rockclimb to the city, and then the group is permitted to spend the night in the ruins, well away from any walls of course, and with a guide. That would be amazing.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
First of all, most of North Americas resources, wood and food especially, are imported. Would you believe that? It's true. So that is our first step. We have razed our resources and now we have to trade abroad for the things we need. Second... population control. The Anazasi started out at a decent size, but after some great years of crops and rain, their population ballooned, requiring more and more resources to feed, house, and clothe them all. Third. Where there's people, there's violence. As the rains diminished, people started turning against each other, raiding their own family even for food. It's easier to kill a neighbor then watch your child starve sometimes. But in modern times, we have the same problem. Supply does not meet the demand in everything we do, from material objects to jobs. Some people turn to thieving and even murder. Fourth, and aside from the resource issue, the scariest. The more scared people are, the more goes into defence. Thank you Mr. Bush for sending North America one step closer to destruction. America is a scared country. Everyone's afraid of terrorists, viruses, infections, etc. No one ever feels safe, and with good reason. But with scared people, comes more violent people. Violent people cause wars. Wars can end cultures.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Actually what you say is true. If you give me a minute I can type up the reason why our culture is dangerously close to the fate of the Anazasi.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
OK I will deffinatly do that! =) I'm like a grinning retard right now. Your song put me in a great mood, and then the nerd inside me surfaced, and that's making me smile pretty wide to lol. AND THIS is why I come to the ZQC when I need a mood boost. ^_^
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
My star trek related gift was $150 donated towards my Star Trek convention fund lol.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto