袋物職人’s Favorites
Blog: Seth's Blog
We invented televisions so marketers would have a way to run TV ads. We have magazines so marketers can run magazine ads. Make no mistake: mass media exists because it permits mass marketers to do their job. Mass production, the...
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Blog: Logic+Emotion
Originally published on Harvard Business Review It's that time of year again — time to take a stab at what's going to matter in the year ahead as technology continues to influence how we work and live. In previous years,...
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Many social media programs are goaled on the amount of friends or followers as well as the engagement levels of those friends and followers. Contests, give-a-ways and polls are all great ways to build your followings and increase your engagement....
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Blog: Logic+Emotion
Co-produced with Chuck Hemann on Edelman Digital What’s the next big thing after “listening”? It has something to do with data—but more importantly the decisions a business makes after sifting through the data and understanding what impact it can have....
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Blog: 居酒屋高輪一休さん
初めてブログをかかせていただきますので軽く自己紹介をします。 名前はモトジと言い...
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