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A Berry Sweet Dream
I am just a yoga girl from Cali. A lover of Music and all things ZQ haha!
Interests: yoga, heroes, star trek, sims 3, singing and pretty much anything else pertaining to music really.
Recent Activity
lol Pabst Blue Ribbon... Beer of champions.
holt & steele - the writers of hostage: a love...
holt & steele - the writers of hostage: a love story have a new @funnyordie project
Berry is now following DobbyJunior
Nov 12, 2009
@fenraven Yes. I completely agree.
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to...
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to share. follow @faywolf and check out her new ep at
hehe Yes I am sure that he does.
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to...
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to share. follow @faywolf and check out her new ep at
Oh i know you weren't, and I personally think its adorable as well. lol :)
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to...
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to share. follow @faywolf and check out her new ep at
I meant that people were laughing at it. Like we you said we all do it. No reason to point it out and make fun. You know.
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to...
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to share. follow @faywolf and check out her new ep at
lol poor guy... can't even have a typo with you all pointing it out.
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to...
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to share. follow @faywolf and check out her new ep at
Omg her hair is adorable! :)
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to...
a great fried with a great voice. and new music to share. follow @faywolf and check out her new ep at
Had a Heroes marathon at my house last night. It...
Had a Heroes marathon at my house last night. It was superfantabulous! Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Nice. I love the idea of keeping some of that sacred. That is very cool and special :)
VIDEO: Spock Extra Feature - TREK DVD
Ahaha! Thats the hotness right there.
No title
Berry added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Nov 11, 2009
What a lucky girl hehe.
Star Trek World Tour - Zachary Quinto Calls A Fan 11.04.2009
Berry is now following Zachary Quinto
Nov 11, 2009
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