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I started about 22 years ago, then had to stop for some years when I lost my sewing space. I started and stopped a few times because of life, but I'm back and hope I dont have to stop again!
My latest quilt went to my daughter's best friend, who had her first baby. The mom is my "2nd" daughter! She and her husband are Disney fanatics, so I made your Oh My Stars, using all Disney fabrics, and the back was a Disney panel. It turned out absolutely adorable!
I made a baby quilt for my "second" daughter - my daughter's lifelong best friend. She and her husband are Disney fanatics, so I used all Disney fabrics and made your Oh My Stars pattern. I used a Disney panel for the back.. It turned out darling - I think it's my favorite finish so far!
My favorite is a 5" x 24" (I think).. I'm too lazy to get up and see for sure.
Toggle Commented Apr 14, 2020 on Watch my Fireside Chat & enter! at Pat Sloan's Blog
My favorite color is purple!
I like the Silver Daylight Smart Lamp! My eyes are getting older (but not me! LOL!) and could use an assist!
Toggle Commented Jan 31, 2020 on Well this is pretty exciting! at Pat Sloan's Blog
I guess my favorite would be cream/off-white
My word is FINISH - as in "Better Finished than Perfect"
I don't remember the last charm pack I bought! Really! LOL!
I need to straighten up my scraps
My challenge is to clean up my sewing room! There's stuff I have to toss to make more room, fabric to fold and put away, and cube storage to organize! I'd rather sew!
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2019 on Fireside Chat and Giveaway! at Pat Sloan's Blog
I sing the praises of lower temperatures and daydream about getting to wear my boots when the temperatures go down even more! It's still summer here. :(
Pat, I had to sit out this year on your quilt-alongs, but now I have my sewing table and I'm raring to go! Can't wait to start!
My favorite picnic food is potato salad
I love the pattern for the project on pages 62-67 Is there any way to download it?
1 reply
I'm getting ready to start a project using purples
I live just outside of a small town (2608 people) and they have a Christmas Parade, that goes down the main street. Also, the Community Center (used to be the movie theater) that hosts free movie nights, concerts, plays, et.
Well, the quilting looks like roads or paths, and I was thinking of a Nascar theme, (don't ask me why!), then changed my mind to "The Road to Nowhere"
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2019 on A Valentine's Giveaway! at Pat Sloan's Blog
I live on 18 acres in the country! I don't need to get away! LOL!
Besides cleaning and organizing my sewing room (AGAIN!) I need to finish my MERRY & BRIGHT - put the borders on and sandwich and quilt it!
I like lap/throw sizes
Toggle Commented Nov 5, 2018 on How about a little giveaway? at Pat Sloan's Blog
I'm working on your Merry and Bright QAL, and LOVING it! I'm working on the setting blocks; I have all the weekly blocks since so far. I am definitely going to continue your QAL's!
I would love a nice sewing cabinet!
My biggest problem is the tools - rulers, cutters, irons, etc I am still setting up my studio. Would you like to come help me? LOL!