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Drop everything and come find me.
Been everywhere, done everything...still searching for meaning...
Interests: Politics, mental heath advocacy, animal advocacy, and so many other things I've dabbled in before diving into the next.
Recent Activity
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Mar 16, 2010
Not Convinced Big Pharmacy has the Mentally Ill's Best Interest at Heart
"Recent decades have seen dramatic improvements in the survival rates of patients suffering from heart diseases and cancer. But the same cannot be said of psychiatric disorders." Click on the link below to read the full article. It is truly scary how much we depend on and are sold on the pharmaceutical industry to fix our mental health woes -- myself included. Article Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at Mental Health Walnut
Mental health Trojan horse - Washington Times
Mental health Trojan horse - Washington Times. Struggling with my own opinions about what does and doesn't constitute a mental health disorder worthy of tax payer funding. If you are addicted to alcohol, for example, do you have a mental health disorder? I think not. Based on what I've read (yes, real books!) it makes more sense to consider it a symptom of a disorder -- a disorder that is known as emotionally painful. Alcohol and drugs numb the emotional pain -- pain you don't necessarily know to relate to your automatic thoughts and behaviors. Should funds be distributed to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at Mental Health Walnut
State's mental-health system killed boys
State's mental-health system killed boys. Such gross incompetancy is startling. Clearly Gallegos has mental health issues. Clearly Magellan is incompetant, and has let down their patient and the community. It's time to take the for-profit business model OUT of Arizona's behavior healthcare system. Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2009 at Mental Health Walnut
Kathykate added a favorite at BPD and the Fig Tree
Dec 10, 2009
Kathykate added a favorite at BPD and the Fig Tree
Dec 4, 2009
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