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oh yeah let me help you out, I'm a Jay fan, stan, dickrider etc. whatever!
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Bleek is right!! Did he got a deal off of the diss? Why he ain't signed to G unit? Fuck that fat piece of shit, beans UPS is hiring, you fat fuck! and you ain't that great to me!! Rhymes are weak to me, every rhyme that nigga makes has "somethin, nothin, bluffin, duckin, etc." fuck that! maybe he has a sick flow, but that's all.
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How long this bitch ass nigga gonna keep crying? Two days ago he was ranting against education!!! You an artist, your job = make music and shut the fuck up...If radios play ESOM so much that means the song is poppin...And if you mad @ that, then go in the lab and do something about it!
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Takeover >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ether Jay won that war, fuck a battle...40 YO and still on top of the game! AND THAT'S MY MOTHERFUCKING OPINION, if that makes me a stan I guess i can live with that.
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50 is fishin' to get that gold LOOOOOOOL
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Couldn't have said it better myself!
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What up my dude? I got to agree once again, no one cares about what this faggot has to say...Why is that even making the news???
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Cosign my dude!
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Let me take it from there... "Black Maybach, white seats, black piping Remind me of Paul McCartney and Mike fighting You know, The Girl Is Mine Life's A Bitch+, so The Whole World Is Mine The six-deuce long, the curtains are drawn Perfectly like a Picasso, Rembrandts and Rocco's I'm a major player, 40-40's in Vegas at the Palazzo They said it was not so Certain things that money can't buy Like being this fly 'Til then, I'm just gonna' ride! I'm like G-Rap with better transportation On the road to the riches, reach my (Final Destination) And the lair, closer to a leer / Aaliyah Say a Prayer, hope I get ta' see her When I disappear from here - baby, yeah! But I don't see the ending through these millionaire lenses Just the Two M's on the emblem The partition roof, translucent and Humador Where refrigerators, where Ace of Spades - two I store! True story, my closet is like two stories Cut to the happy ending, 'cause I don't do stories Shawn Corey, real rap The Maybach is bananas, peel back! You feel that? YOUNG! C'mon!" - Jay Z "Maybach Music"
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lool, that fat fuck just shot himself in the foot!!
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What a bitch ass nigga? what beans, you jealous?
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you def right my dude Btw, Happy new year!
Toggle Commented Jan 4, 2010 on Raekwon Doubles Up New Albums For 2010 at
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you right dude, it's a waste of time!
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I gotta cosign that 100%
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Damn, this washed up motherfucker again??? Cmon Santana, in case you didn't get the memo Dipset/skullgang/byrdgang etc. is over!!!! Stop crying over spilt milk and sit your washed up ass down somewhere.
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Once again curtis is nowhere to be found...
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