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Anijo Mathew
IIT Institute of Design
Assistant Professor at IIT Institute of Design
Recent Activity
Cory's post has started an internet debate - hurray! Gruber's post is perhaps the most eloquent response to Cory's post. He makes great points - I agree. One thing you have to give Apple is their innovation in platforms - the iTunes app store is perhaps the BEST innovation in recent time. And as time passes, one that will be a precedent for many such models. But personally I think that should be discussed separately from their cognitively impenetrable products.
Maybe I am wrong? Am I?
Cognitive impenetrability and the iPad generation
Then there's the device itself: clearly there's a lot of thoughtfulness and smarts that went into the design. But there's also a palpable contempt for the owner. I believe -- really believe -- in the stirring words of the Maker Manifesto: if you can't open it, you don't own it. Screws not glue. ...
That is of course a cultural thing. In America we are used to interacting with strangers. I wonder how much of that will happen in a more "critical-of-strangers" society like India.
Hand from Above Chris O'Shea
via This is a spatial installation that has been getting a lot of press recently. Its really engaging but not interactive - a distinction that is not common in many computing installations. You can see more about the project at Chris O'Shea's website.
On similar lines, did you know that Tufte has a new book out?
New favorite book
The Visual Miscellaneum is my new favorite book. Designed and written by David McCandless, it demonstrates that almost any topic can be translated into visual form that speeds perception and learning. Not all of it is great, but collectively it's a powerful demonstration that ideas can be taken ...
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