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Fuji Mama
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Rule number one is a rule I dearly wish more people would follow. I'd also like to add an addendum to the rule for those writing cookbooks in Japan, and say that Rule 1-A should state that recipes should never use pancake mix as an ingredient.
Toggle Commented May 1, 2013 on World's Best Pancakes at Ruth Reichl
So glad you didn't keep this post as a draft. I think that even if we can't learn something about ourselves from a post, a post almost always teaches others something about us. Part of blogging is the community. It is through sharing yourself that our lives are enriched. XOXO
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2011 on just because at In Jennie's Kitchen
This tart was absolutely incredible! When I got home my husband and I savored every last crumb of the slice I brought home. DROOL!!!! I can't wait to try making it myself! XOXO
1 reply
"Those are oh-so-good and instantly addictive they might as well be crack. Really."--Based on your description, I believe you! These sound extremely dangerous. I've just been looking at puffed rice substitutes myself to try and make homemade hina arare (colored puffed rice treats: for Hinamatsuri (Japanese Girl's Day) which is coming up on March 3rd. I'm hoping to be as lucky as you in finding workable options!
1 reply
Mmmm, this sounds amazing! These days we've been cooking most of our chickens rotisserie style on the grill. I love making a miso glaze.
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Fuji Mama is now following Pim
Nov 20, 2009
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Nov 20, 2009