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Travelling, cooking and capturing everyday life in London
Interests: Travelling, cooking, cinema, hiking, books and psychology
Recent Activity
Here are my favourite reads for this week: This article on blogging Beyond the Recipes: Your Responsibilities as a Health Blogger Good article on how to learn to go solo You don’t always work well in a team This recipes: Simple Tomato and Mushroom Pasta Moroccan Carrot Salad with Millet Salted caramel tarte tartin Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2015 at MH Blogs
Adele is back!!! New single Hello And so does Daniel Craig!!! I can not wait to see Spectre movie Keep walking How to improve your health by walking This article on social media What happened when I quit Facebook This recipes: Roasted Aubergine with Fennel and Pomegranate Slaw Grain-Free Waffles with Spiced Apples and Caramel Sauce Have a great weekend!!!! Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2015 at MH Blogs
After a significant break "This week I love" series is back. So what has caught my attention this week? Great article about introversion So Apparently There Are 4 Kinds of Introversion This adorable video of baby sloth Edward from London Zoo 2 great exhibitions in London: Travel Photographer of the Year Exhibition 2015 and Audrey Hepburn: Portraits of an Icon - Exhibition This recipes: Corn and courgette cakes, Mango, Cucumber and Hazelnut Salad and 5 Minute Avocado Cilantro Dressing I hope my selection will keep you inspired. Have a great week!!! Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2015 at MH Blogs
Ingredients: 250g pasta 200g chorizo, cubed 400g tinned tomatoes 1 red pepper, sliced 200g washed spinach 2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped 1/2 tsp. chilli powder salt and pepper for seasoning Method: Cook pasta in a saucepan as per instructions. Meanwhile, place cubed chorizo in a large pan and fry for about 5 minutes until nice and crispy. Add garlick and cook for another minute or so. Stir in sliced red pepper and cook until soft. Then add the tomatoes and about a half of teaspoon of chilli powder (or more) and add more seasoning if needed. You can also... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2015 at MH Blogs
.... one year and two months if I am more precise. What has happened? Have I forgotten about my blog? Why such a long break? Life happened.....basically, my life took over. I started a new job in September and continued in my psychology degree studies, took some time to myself and rediscovered my forgotten dreams and passions. Even through I wasn't posting and actively updating my blog, I still followed and read my favourite blogs. And of course I discovered and felt in love with Pinterest where I am actively pinning - please feel free to come and have a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2014 at MH Blogs
I’ve heard about this place from a good friend of mine. So last week on Tuesday, I decided to have a day out from London and I visited this gorgeous place in Surrey. Located in near Banstead which is only 15 minutes drive from London, this organic farm is easily accessible and free for public. I absolutely love this place. Once you enter the farm, you will see beautiful lavender fields. It is so breath-taking and I can guarantee that you will be literally blown away. You can then wander through the lavender field, relax, enjoy the view and take... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2013 at MH Blogs
Here is my long promised post about my one day trip to Bruges. When I went to spend Easter in Brussels, I kind of wanted to go more further outside of Brussels and explore different parts of Belgium. I heard a lots of good praise on Bruges, so at the end it was my obvious choice. I went there on Easter Monday, which also happened to be the best day for a trip away. It has turn out to be excellent day. The weather was nice and sunny. And I felt inspired once again. At the beginning I didn't know... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2013 at MH Blogs
Maria added a favorite at Everything Typepad
May 25, 2013
Nice picture, made me smile.
Toggle Commented Apr 29, 2013 on Kissing Bicycles at The Photodiarist
Maria is now following Account Deleted
Apr 29, 2013
This year I have decided to get away for Easter. Just because I liked it in Brussels last year in September, I thought it would be good to come back and see what Brussels has to offer during the Easter time. I booked my trip via Eurostar. I find it easier to book a trip through them as you can find quite reasonable deals there. I stayed in Bloom Hotel again as the last time. This time my room had a bit different decor – more dramatic look I would say. Still, my room was very comfortable as always. I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2013 at MH Blogs
One of my new years resolutions is to visit country or place I have never been before. I’ve been following this resolution for years now. This year I have decided to go to Scandinavia again. I have been to Denmark in 2008 and I sort of liked this Scandinavian feel. So this year I visited Stockholm exactly two weeks ago, more precisely between 8th and 11th February 2013. Why Stockholm? Well, first of all I've read lots of nice blog posts about Stockholm and 2nd of all I found a good flight deal on So, it was decided, this... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2013 at MH Blogs
I love this quote. It is one of my faviourite.
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2013 on Sunday Quote at Janet's House
Happy New Year!!!!! I know I know, it does not feel an actual to say Happy New Year anymore. It is almost end of January already and this post is way behind. But hey ho, better to wish you Happy New Year later than never. I hope you all had a good start to 2013. I think my start to 2013 went quite well. I think it will be good year and I have really high hopes for 2013. To be honest, 2012 was quite difficult year not even for myself but for most of people I know. All of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2013 at MH Blogs
Heavy snow has been falling this weekend. That doesn't happen that often in London. And if it does, the snow disappears very quickly. This time it hasn't been a case and it has been snowing since Friday. London has suddenly transformed into beautiful romantic city. Here is just a small glimpse into our garden magically transformed into fairy winter garden. Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2013 at MH Blogs
Maria is now following Account Deleted
Jan 1, 2013
This Christmas I am spending with my family in Slovakia. Before I came home, I have decided to give myself a small, I call it recovery break, from the stressful month I had (all work related) and stay couple of days in Vienna. I usually get my flights from London to Vienna and then from there I travel to Slovakia. I never really had time to stay in Vienna and explore it properly. Every time I am rushing from or to the airport. Anyway, so this time I have told myself to stay and concentrate on festive cheer in Vienna.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2012 at MH Blogs
Maria is now following Janet's House
Dec 26, 2012
Last weekend on Saturday, I have visited Paris for the first time in my life. I always wanted to see Paris. It was my dream since I was about fourteen years old. It was a one day trip organised by my Casual Foodie Club. It was a wonderful day. As I expected I knew I would enjoy Paris a lot. We took Eurostar from London St Pancras International at 9am and we arrived to Paris just before 12 o'clock. Then we took Metro to the part called Cite, where I saw Notre Dame. We have organised a free tour around... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2012 at MH Blogs
Downton Abbey is one of my favourite series. I think this was great idea. Love the photoshoot!
Toggle Commented Nov 7, 2012 on Downton Style at Blythe Ponytail Parades
Maria is now following Michelle Clement
Oct 27, 2012