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Dr. Ed Davis Podiatrist San Antonio
109 Gallery Circle, Suite 119, San Antonio, TX 78258
Podiatrist San Antonio 210-490-3668
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Stress fractures are cracks in bones that occur from chronic repetitve trauma. It is relatively easy to understand how bones are broken in trauma such as falls or collsions with objects as there is a readily identifiable event as the culprit. via Continue reading
Shoe design can reduce stress and strain on the plantar fascia. The midportion or shank of the shoe should not bend. Flexibility in the ball of the foot is a good thing. Continue reading
Regenerative medicine is available in San Antonio for the treatment of tough cases of heel pain. Continue reading
Plantar fasciosis is a degenerative condition of the plantar fascia. Fascia that remains inflamed over a period of several years can thicken and become stiff due to scar tissue formation. Continue reading
Stress fractures are cracks in bones that occur from chronic repetitve trauma. It is relatively easy to understand how bones are broken in trauma such as falls or collsions with objects as there is a readily identifiable event as the culprit. Consider a paperclip that, after being bent several times, will break in two. If it takes 4 bends to break a paperclip then a paperclip that has been bent three times, that appear to be in one piece is not a normal paperclip since one more bend will break it. Human bones, when loaded or bent repeatedly beyond their... Continue reading
We have discussed the importance of obtaining an accurate diagnosis as the critical first step in effectively treating heel pain on this blog. Also, the blog contains lists of common causes of heel pain. It is certainly possible for heel pain to have more than one cause in a patient. I just completed a fascinating course taught by Stephen L. Barrett, DPM called the Heel Pain Boot Camp in Scottsdale, Arizona: Dr. Barrett is an internationally acclaimed expert on the subject of heel pain and has authored a number of publications on the subject. Dr. Barrett discussed the concept... Continue reading
It is important to discover the underlying causes of heel pain as opposed to treating the symptoms. A podiatrist trained in biomechanics can find the causes and provide treatment based on eliminating the reasons for heel pain. Continue reading
Prescription custom foot orthotics are an important tool in treating the underlying biomechanical issues of heel pain. The creation of orthotics is based on a cast impression of the foot that involves manipulation of the foot into the corrected position by the doctor. Continue reading
Heel pain Most heel pain is caused by mechanical issues such as heel pain due to plantar fasciitis. There are numerous causes of heel pain so getting a proper diagnosis is important. I see a number of patients with heel pain that they beleive is caused by plantar fasciitis but the symptoms are not relieved by common treatments for plantar fasciitis. Such cases often involve other causes of heel pain. Here is a partial list of heel pain causes: 1) Gout Gout is a metabolic disease in which the body collects too much of a waste product, uric acid. Uric... Continue reading
Definitive treatment for heel pain in teens is available at the office of San Antonio Podiatrist, Dr. Ed Davis Heel pain is less common in children than adults and the causes are usually different. It is unusual for plantar fasciitis to occur in youth. The most common cause of heel pain in the approximately 9 to 14 year old age group is calcaneal apophysitis or Sever's disease. The heel bone or calcaneus has a growth plate, that is, an open area of growing tissue that creates bone growth located at the posterior (back) area where the Achilles tendon attaches. A... Continue reading
ESWT is a tried and proven technology for treatment of heel pain due to plantar fasciosis. Dr. Ed Davis has been utilizing ESWT since 2001. Continue reading
Baxter's neuritis is a cause of heel pain that is often mistaken for plantar fasciitis. It is caused by pressure on a nerve branch that runs below the heel bone and can, at times, be painful when one is not on their feet. Continue reading
Four advanced treatments for "difficult" cases of plantar fasciitis or plantar fasciosis are offered by San Antonio Podiatrist, Dr. Ed Davis. 1) The Topaz Procedure: This procedure is a minimally invasive procedure for plantar fasciitis that involves use of a small wand made by Arthrocare. It employs radiofrequency utilized by the surgeon to debride or thin the fascia at the heel, that is, remove the diseased tissue causing the heel pain. The procedure is performed via tiny "puncture" holes made in the skin at the bottom of the heel that require no sutures and leave no scarring. Patients can walk... Continue reading
Treatment Triad I coined the term "treatment triad" for plantar fasciitis a few years back to better describe the disease process and its treatment. Acute plantar fasciitis is basically a sprain of the fascia, it is an inflammatory condition. It thus can be treated successfully with anti-inflammatories -- oral or injections or cortisone plus the use of soft heel pads or OTC inserts (acute PF can sometimes progress to chronic PF but lets leave that out for simplicity's sake for now). Plantar fasciitis that persists or becomes chronic does so for one of two reasons.... ...abnormal or excessive strain persists... Continue reading
Heel pain is one of the most common concerns patients have. Many tell us that they have had heel pain for "years" and have tried many remedies. The key to success in treating heel pain is by accurately identifying the cause. Continue reading
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Jan 3, 2010