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San Antonio
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On Mother's Day 2009, I was pregnant with my daughter. I received a few Mother's Day gifts (especially from my husband), but for the most part people told me (goodheartedly) that I wasn't a mother yet, and that I wouldn't deserve presents until the next year! Now I know what they're talking about! As hard as pregnancy can sometimes be (and I will admit mine was relatively easy), it is the part after the birth that is really difficult. The parenting part. And no one can prepare you for it, no matter what wisdom they try to share with you.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2010 at Wool and Amber
Finally remembered where I first heard of Strasburg Children. Wanted to drop by to say thanks for mentioning them. I ended up buying my daughter's baptism gown from there!! Also, she is still loving the doll you made her!
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2010 on Something sacred at Uncommon Grace
1 reply
I so very much miss canning. We live in Texas now, so growing things is harder, but when we lived in PA we had massive gardens and put up food every summer. Lovely pics!
Toggle Commented Aug 31, 2010 on august at SouleMama
1 reply
I stalk (er, in a non creepy way) the Austin Waldorf School website so often. We live in SA and I am hoping that somehow our Lily will get to attend there when she starts kindergarten. Maya looks so grown up. You must be so proud!
Toggle Commented Aug 31, 2010 on the big update... at waldorf mama
1 reply
Lily was baptized on the first of August, on the feast day of St. Alphonsus Liguori. Since we had waited so long to get her baptized (long story), she didn't fit into the gown that my brothers and I had been baptized in (which I love!!). So I had to go searching, and believe me, I didn't think that it would be so hard to find something I liked! For some reason, so many of the christening gowns that are readily available in local stores are made of that fakey polyester/satiny material. Don't get me wrong, a satin christening gown... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2010 at Wool and Amber
Beautiful! Would love to win a pair for my little daughter.
Toggle Commented Aug 29, 2010 on SouleMama Sponsor ~ SATCH & SOL ~ at SouleMama
1 reply
...but I wouldn't be surprised if you (whoever might read this) thought I had. Our family has been up to a lot in these past few months. A few of the main points: 1. Buying and moving into our first house (and all the little details involved in that). 2. Our daughter's first birthday party! We had a fairly large party at our house. It was fun, but a little stressful. 3. Our daughter was baptised earlier this month. It was a smaller affair than her birthday, but still required a fair bit of preparation and planning. 4. We got... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2010 at Wool and Amber
I love vintage baby clothes. I've been scouring websites lately for the perfect cotton dress for Lily's first birthday party. I know it is six months away, but I really want to find something timeless and perfect. I found Belle Heir's website through Bloesem Kids, and I fell in love with all of the beautiful vintage clothes they have available there. I'm definitely going to revisit the site once I get a good idea of what Lily's size will be at 12 months! Speaking of vintage baby clothes, I don't know if this qualifies as vintage (is early 80's vintage?),... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at Wool and Amber
I love vintage baby clothes. I've been scouring websites lately for the perfect cotton dress for Lily's first birthday party. I know it is six months away, but I really want to find something timeless and perfect. I found Belle Heir's website through Bloesem Kids, and I fell in love with all of the beautiful vintage clothes they have available there. I'm definitely going to revisit the site once I get a good idea of what Lily's size will be at 12 months! Speaking of vintage baby clothes, I don't know if this qualifies as vintage (is early 80's vintage?),... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at Wool and Amber
Today was one of those days. It started in the wee hours of the morning, with me up late with insomnia, something I've struggled with for my entire life. I was finally able to fall asleep, only to awake maybe an hour later to Lily thrashing around in her sleep. I changed her diaper, and tried to nurse and soothe her back to sleep, but nothing I or her daddy (with his magic shushing abilities) did could get her to settle. I finally took her out to the rocker in the living room so that my husband could get a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Wool and Amber
Elicia is now following SouleMama
Jan 11, 2010
Hello, and welcome to my humble little blog. My name is Elicia. I decided to start this new blog when my daughter, Lily, was about five months old. I have dipped my toe in the blogging waters in the past, but having a child was such a transformative experience for me that I felt like I needed a fresh start. I decided to name this blog "Wool and Amber" because wool and amber are two of my favorite things, and I feel like that title is evocative of the kind of experience I wish to create in my life and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at Wool and Amber
Elicia is now following waldorfmama
Jan 11, 2010
Elicia is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 11, 2010