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100 Paper Stars
Salt Lake City, UT
Recent Activity
Your sweet family always reminds me of what's important and your husband's words were beautiful. From our family to yours, Happy Birthday!!
SoulePapa Blogs :: The Soul of Mama
The Mama to my kids has a birthday today. They help her with the math and remind her that she will be 35 years old. Around these parts she is known less for her talented writing and photography and more for her ability to be Mama. She knows where the band-aids are. She knows that we need mor...
I already have a copy of your book thanks to a very thoughtful and loving husband who pre-ordered it back in March and it is everything I expected and more having a copy of both of your other books (I guess I'll have to buy every one you ever write to keep the collection complete, lol).
I'm excited to see that you'll be raising turkeys. Our neighbor has a coop of chickens and the other neighbor raises chickens, ducks and turkeys. This past Sunday the man with the turkeys brought one over so we could see it. The turkey is grown but not yet fattened, covered in the most beautiful feathers. I was struck by how gentle he was, allowing both my young boys to curiously inspect him from head to toe. Plus, he had the sweetest voice. Do those little turkeys peep like a chick or is it different?
outgoing & incoming
outgoing:: Fueled by late nights, chocolate, Gillian Welch, and each others company, we are making great progress in shipping out book orders! We're catching up steadily - they are all currently in one phase of making their way out of my studio, to the post office, and into your homes. I a...
100 Paper Stars is now following Marc Johns
Jan 24, 2011
100 Paper Stars is now following Krystenshaylynn
Jan 20, 2011
100 Paper Stars is now following Stephanie
Nov 9, 2010
100 Paper Stars is now following danielle maveal
Sep 23, 2010
All these critters are crazy! Along the way in our adventures we've picked up lizards, spiders, etc. and hoped all summer long for a toad..but no luck. You seem a lot more calm than I would be if something wandered out of my shower drain or up through the toilet! I guess you'll always be checking before you sit down..come to think of it, now I might too, lol. I'm loving your blog by the down to earth and beautiful. Thank you!
critters. part one.
yeah. there is a part two to follow. So, I've talked before about all the cute little creatures we've found around here, mostly the toads and the frogs. The wolf spiders aren't so cute but they're fun to look at... Neil has had some fun finds lately, working out in the yard has meant unfort...
100 Paper Stars is now following Habit Blog
Sep 13, 2010
100 Paper Stars is now following Bluebirdbaby
Sep 13, 2010
100 Paper Stars is now following dani
Sep 13, 2010
100 Paper Stars is now following
Aug 24, 2010
100 Paper Stars is now following Account Deleted
Aug 23, 2010
100 Paper Stars is now following Rhian Caroline
Aug 23, 2010
With so many comments sometimes you wonder if yours will be lost but I had to write and say..THANK YOU. This has been a hard week in our family as well, we've all just been a little lost. It helps to be reminded that there are always bright spots along the way..happy moments that keep us holding on for the next day. All my love to your family!
simple pleasures
The adults around here have had a bit of a trying week. Nothing earth-shattering and everyone is healthy, so of course that's what really matters. But it's been just enough of a roller coaster to make our heads spin and our stomachs turn (and I really do hope there is happy news t...
Our family spent the weekend in much the same way..although we were surrounded by Aspens. I think your photographs are wonderful, you'll have no problem looking back and remembering these days all winter long. Thank you so much for sharing!
home, from the woods
The past few days have found us unplugged and deep in the woods of Downeast Maine. Blogging continued here as normal, thanks to automatic posts. Though, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that - it feels a bit like cruise control, which I never use, much to the humor of my sweet husband. D...
100 Paper Stars added a favorite at Here's looking at me kid
Jul 2, 2010
I jumped over here to see where everything started...and I love this.."Like when you first crack open a new journal. On that very first page you want to use your coolest pen and write in your best handwriting. By page 5 it's your regular chicken scratch with the black ball-point pen." It made me smile just because I am exactly that kind of girl. Those first few pages are the polite you, the one you share with strangers but it's the pages that follow that tell the real story.
The First Impression!
It seems like the pressure is on during the first post... Like when you first crack open a new journal. On that very first page you want to use your coolest pen and write in your best handwriting. By page 5 it's your regular chicken scratch with the black ball-point pen. I'm starting this blo...
Congratulations on your 2 Year Blogiversary! That's so exciting. Although I haven't been reading long, I have really enjoyed your beautiful photography and fun personality! I can't wait to see where you take things.
2 Year Blogiversary
You guys! Today, this blog turns two years old! This is where it all began. And so much has changed in two years... I'm really happy to have the blog to look back on it all! Thank you to those who have been reading for a long time. Thank you to those of you who have just joined me ...
Megan, this sounds like SO much fun! It's just the type of adventure that I love...and those shots you got are wonderful. My favorite one is the second one with the white flowers and the tracks. I wish I could tag along for the next adventure!
Wreckless Abandon
This evening, two hours before sunset, we drove back out to the tracks of the old abandoned trains. There are technically two parts, on the same track. One is pretty close to someones driveway and closer to the road and one is far from the road and all alone. Last time I shared photos, it...
100 Paper Stars is now following Megan Van Sipe
Jun 25, 2010
I just had to pop in and say that I love the yellow polka dot fabric! I'm so jealous..I wish it was mine. What do you think you'll do with it?
Catch-Up (and Thrifted.)
I'm making some headway playing catch up and playing just-for-fun a little, too. Thus why I've been a little MIA? :) (photo source). Catch up is hard, no? Like running in slow-mo sometimes? lol. But it's fun to check things off the list. :) (Although somehow, e-mails are never quite caught-up-...
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