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Interests: gardening, friends, my ipod, taking pictures, documentaries, green tea, flip-flops, recycling, stars, cooking, traveling, color, avocados, polaroids, the ocean, sunshine, rain, being silly, farmer's markets, sea monkeys, the color red, adventures, polka-dots, sunflowers, beets, my brother, great beer, my mother, i am a girl. i have an odd obsession with doing laundry...i enjoy art, coconut-anything, fresh sheets, new zealand coffee, platypus', owl figurines, charbay, gramma zinnie, burgamont, a good pair of jeans, north idaho (the point), prince skeeter, music beats, my guitar(s), retro/vintage items, miss bt, lake pend oreille, the color of my kitchen (green), and mr. joh.
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