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The Heart of Dixie
Autodidact, Failed Southern Belle! Nobody's Grandma.
Interests: food and wine, reading, writing, books, art and design, faraway places.
Recent Activity
Scribbler is now following Spanisheyes
Feb 14, 2011
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words regarding my forthcoming book and for visiting my blog. My husband and I enjoyed reading your story this morning over coffee. I hope today finds you and your husband once more together and living where you want to be. You definitely should write a book about your mother, and you are so fortunate to have such wonderful pictures and stories upon which to write it. Keep me posted about your progress, because I would certainly be interested in reading it. My book goes back to the publisher (again!) this week, and I hope this time will be the charm. Check my website for the PayPal link to be added soon if you would like a copy. Also, I have a FaceBook Fan Page in the works that will open very shortly. Please feel free to add me as a FaceBook Friend. I look forward to hearing from you again.' Ellen Thompson (Scribbler)
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2011 on Happy Birthday Mami! at Between U.S.A. and Spain.
My new website is coming up in a couple of days! Hope to see you all there! Find me on Facebook till then. Love, Scribbler Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2010 at SCRIBBLER UNFOCUSED
Scribbler is now following abeachcottage
Jun 7, 2010
Scribbler is now following Daisy Cottage
Apr 29, 2010