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Things are buzzing in Jeni-B's Attic!
Interests: God, my family, people, trying to make a difference in someones life, music, stamping, photography, sewing, jewelry making, wire-wrap, dichroic glasswork, stringing, painting in watercolor and movies
Recent Activity
I have avoided my journal for a long time. Do you ever feel so bad, or get so low, you have nothing to say? I have for a long time. My short spurts of joy seem to be farther and farther apart. I was in a deep canyon for a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
We have had a few days of Thunder and lightening and the temperatures have dropped and I am loving it. There has been almost a constant shower for three days, stopping to catch it's breath and start again. I think the cooler weather has given me some excitement to get... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
Do you ever have nagging thoughts that you can't escape? Especially thoughts about someone you love or someone you have known and haven't seen in a while? I wrote a couple of weeks ago that we should love those around us; take the time to appreciate them and enjoy them.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
This is a face you can't help but love. Look at the love in her eyes. They are so special and as different as night and day. This is "Little Dog" the 4 pounder, she wants to know where I am and will then go to her bed until she... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I am so excited about my glass and wire work. I am learning and seeing an improvement in my work. It is so exciting to see the finished product. There are times that I have to toss something or take it apart and start all over, but it is relaxing... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
OK, Here I am, again. I have decided to stop wallowing in self pity and march on! There are probably millions of people out there in this world who live in more pain and have more problems that I ever could think of. I have decided to open my tired... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I HATE being sick. I am feeling better so hopefully things will get back to somewhat normal. My workroom/hobby/sewing/painting room is about 75% finished. I have room to work on glass, beads and sew, but no room for clay or painting as yet. Hopefully after a big garage/yard sale on... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I went to a wedding today...very different wedding and fun. On the beach in early August and who would have expected a huge cloud burst just minutes after they said "I DO"! It poured for over an hour, but everyone was tucked inside two lovely tents enjoying the festivities and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
Did you ever have one of those days when everything was wrong before you got out of bed and proceeded to get worse as the day continued? Then someone did something seemingly insignificant and it lifted your spirits and everything began to show itself in a different light? Those people... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
This is my place of refuge, my bedroom. It is clean, fairly well organized and peaceful. My mind doesn't work well when things are disorganized and cluttered. I used to be able to close my eyes to it, but not anymore. It torments me until it is all together again.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
Posted Jun 17, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
Oh my gosh, I can't believe it has been over a month since I have been on my blog. Moving is VERY time consuming, especially when you move at a snail's pace! I was feeling very over-whelmed for a few weeks, but finally I am beginning to get ahead a... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
This is His Handiwork. We cannot take it apart and put it back together. It graduallly unfolds and is beautiful, but only by the Hand of God Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I took over my husband's Kindle today. He has had it since Christmas and isn't "loving" it at all. Well I have come to know of a virtual bible study that has the book available on Kindle. It is a bible study through "The Bloom Book Club". They start on... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I have been so busy. We are moving, again. Only this time it is a local move. It is so hard on my body, but this is the will of God, I know. I have prayed and prayed that He would close every door or open every window that needed... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
It is like that with us in our lives. After we are born, everything is new, our minds and bodies unspoiled. Then as the years go by, things happen, some not so good, others very good. While everything that happens to us is not the result of God's Will, as... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
The weather is changing and for some they can't wait. There are a lot of people who are tired of the snow. I love it, and I always will. I do enjoy seeing the little green buds and growth on the trees and bushes. I was looking out my window... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I am having so much fun working on my glass pieces. I almost can't pull myself away from it. I really need a larger kiln. Doing only one piece at a time puts a lot of crimp in my style. Then it takes so long to completely cool the kiln... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I am so excited, I have been working on glass today. I am finding that it can be very fickle. But I have yet to be unhappy with any finished product. I need to stop working and start taking photos and editing them so I can get them on the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
I am so excited. I have found two friends in the Lord tonight. I found a great magazine called "The Artful Blogger" and it is chock full of wonderful photos, advice and so much information. I have contacted two of the people I found in the magazine tonight and can't... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic
Home, there is something about that word that soothes. Even if you live in a home that isn't all perfect, "Home" is still a good place to be. I spent two wonderful days with my now "adult" daughter, but coming home and sinking into my own sofa and bed is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at Jeni-B's-Attic