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Matthew and Jay
Houston, Texas
getting old is not for sissies
Interests: texas food, music, and offbeat places
Recent Activity
Longhorn Rod Run
Mark it down......September 24th & 25th Old Town Spring hosts the 28th Annual Long Horn Rod Run. The streets will be filled with some of the most beautiful cars you'll ever see. Beautiful paint jobs and lots of chrome. One of the premier car events in the state. Come out... Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2011 at Simply Texas
108 in the shade.....time to move the shop
Right on schedule..........air temp is 100 degrees, heat index 108..........what better time to be moving a store full of hot sauce to a new location........keep trying to look past the next couple of weeks but maybe this upheaval will bring rain........ Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2011 at Simply Texas
lost little girl found
what do you do when a little girl walks in your shop crying because she's lost and looking like she's going to pass out because it's so hot outside? you get her some cold water and ask her where she's trying to get to. between sobs she says she's trying... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2011 at Simply Texas
a little hot sauce with your ice cream
One way to cool your mouth down after a big shot of hot sauce is to eat some ice cream. Here's a way to speed up the warm up/cool down process: add hot sauce to your ice cream! The folks at Toad Sweat developed four hot sauces that are super... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2011 at Simply Texas
big enough to choke a chicken
What does one do on a rainy day in Old Town Spring? Sure need the rain but somewhat dampens the foot traffic. Anyway, what this one does is cruise around the shop looking for something to eat! First I check the fridge to see if there's any day old pizza... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Simply Texas
Salsa de Chile Verde
Two questions for you: 1) Do you ever walk through the produce section at the grocery and see those big, green pretty chiles and you don't know what to do with them so you keep moving? 2) Do you have access to a food processor or a blender? If you... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2011 at Simply Texas
Wear this corn on the cob
I love corn on the's one of those foods you can eat and wear at the same time.....covered in butter, an ear of corn is guaranteed to leave some evidence on most eaters hands, faces and probably their clothes. So I'm always looking for new ways to get up... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2011 at Simply Texas
Houston Hot Sauce
Here at our shop in Old Town Spring, we sell hundreds of hot sauces. So if you're jones'in for some hot sauce on this brutally hot Houston afternoon, come see us. But if you're stuck at the ranch with no fuel in the tank or no burning desire to get... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2011 at Simply Texas
115 degrees on my back porch - time for soup
Sure it's June in Houston, Texas..........but damn it's hot even for Houston......time for some soup! No, not something hot off the stove........something nice and cool that really tastes good on a hot day like today......not into chilled soup? neither but give this a'll be chillin' in no time.........oh, and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2011 at Simply Texas
Katherine likes Salmon & Salsa
Here at the shop it always feels good when a customer tells you how much they like our hot sauce or jalapeno peanut butter or one of our salsas. And it's especially nice when they share a recipe that includes one of our products. Our friend Katherine tried our peach... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2011 at Simply Texas
Ray's Red Porsche Chili
Here's a chili recipe I got from a customer. Haven't tried it yet but looks good. All I know about the customer is that he drives a red Porsche convertible and came into the shop looking for chili powder for this recipe. He said he had a great chili recipe... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2011 at Simply Texas
Lil Ray's Boiled Shrimp
Really good boiled shrimp.....easy to peel, nice and spicy and succulent. That the target so many cooks aim for and miss and it's usually because they way, way overcook the shrimp and end up with shrimp that are tough, chewy and hard to peel. Here's a recipe that came from... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2011 at Simply Texas
Research Equipment gets a paint job
Here at the Simply Texas Research Station, we take our work seriously. Some people see a BBQ smoker in the pic.......we see a highly refined research vessel. Either way, Old Smoky, our 20 year old test pit just got an overhaul and we had to show it off. New firebox,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2011 at Simply Texas
Garlic Shrimp Scampi Insane Heat
Here's a recipe for some insanely hot shrimp scampi from a customer who came in the shop this week. She put her cooler of shrimp on the counter, picked up a bottle of Dave's Total Insanity Garlic Hot Sauce and proceeded to explain that she couldn't get her shrimp scampi... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2011 at Simply Texas
Tex-Mex Crawfish
We had two great Crawfish Festival weekends in Old Town Spring this year. Good weather, great crowds and by most accounts, pretty good crawfish. The ones we ate this year were a little on the small side but still tasty. Like most crawfish lovers, we love them cooked in a... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2011 at Simply Texas
Hot Mustard
People come in the shop all the time and ask for hot mustard.........and we're happy to sell them a jar of hot mustard.....we carry several different types.........but in this post we wanted to help our loyal customers for those times when they're out of their favorite brand and just can't... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2011 at Simply Texas
Pico de Gallo
Here's our favorite pico de gallo.......need a laugh?.......see Jay making this great tasting salsa cruda in his debut YouTube video..... Pico de Gallo Onion, 3 cups chopped Tomato, 3 cups diced Avocado, 2 diced Jalapeno, 1 diced, seeds & ribs removed Cilantro, 1 bunch, chopped, stems removed Lime - juice... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2011 at Simply Texas
Little Ricky's Recado
A quiet day in Old Town Spring is a great time to fire up the pit in the backyard and try out a new rub or marinade or sauce. So today, not a customer in sight, I'm about to season up a couple of boneless chicken breasts with a new... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2011 at Simply Texas
Pecanas Picantes
Peppery Pecans............anyone can make them.........most people love them.......actually you don't make the pecans but you sure can make them crisper and crunchier and definitely hotter with just a few ingredients, a skillet and about 10 minutes out of your busy schedule. Pecanas Picantes 4 1/2 cups of pecan halves 5... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2011 at Simply Texas
Ensenada Ensalada
Supposed to be working on taxes but posting this recipe for a great tasting ensalada is much more fun......and this is good, especially if you think ahead and prepare the day before you sure to chill and serve icy find a special cove or inlet along the coast... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Simply Texas
Bill's Expresso Rub
We sell a lot of rubs, seasonings and marinades at Dave's Pepper Palace and we have a lot of good cooks come through the door to re-stock their spice shelf or just to say hello......the other day a customer stopped in and bought a package of ground chipotle chile Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at Dave's Pepper Palace
Stacked Green Enchiladas
Another find from my 25 year old recipe files......written on a 3 x 5 card as "JM's Stacked Green Enchiladas".......... I have no idea who JM is but thanks because these are really good.....spicy, gooey and delicious......wait a second, is this you little sister Jill Martin? J M's Stacked Green... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at Simply Texas
Lost recipe found
My lucky day......while cleaning out my truck I found a recipe that has been missing from my files for a long time.....guess I pulled it to take to the store to buy the ingredients and then got side tracked....don't know who I got it from, don't recognize the handwriting but... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2011 at Simply Texas
Salado Egghead Gathering
If you like to smoke or grill and enjoy having a cold beverage with folks who share your enjoyment of same, then head west on March 26th and show up at the Salado Egghead Gathering.....three short hours from Houston and you're in beautiful Salado, Texas.........once there you'll get to meet... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at Simply Texas
Simply Texas Breakfast
Here's a shot of a Simply Texas breakfast from Leroy and Judy's kitchen at the Chicken Ranch. These are customers that like to play with their food.........yes, those are heart shaped eggs and yes, that's a Texas shaped biscuit that's going to taste mighty good with a big spoonful out... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at Simply Texas
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