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Anita D.
On my flowered patio in San Diego, CA.
Inspired by mysterious happenings in ordinary places.
Interests: friendship, illustrating, reading, writing, family, kids books, and a cozy room on a rainy day.
Recent Activity
Just had a nectarine and instant pudding for breakfast... I think I'll have it again tomorrow. Continue reading
This is so fantastic! Love the look of the cover and what a way to preserve your memories! Thank you for sharing.
1 reply
Took a time machine and had a slumber party with my sisters last night, and remembered why I love them so much. A fat, fragrant caterpillar. Cheeky, son of a gun ate a whole tomato is ten minutes! I call him Julian. Continue reading
Another illustration from A Night After Xmas. Continue reading
OCTOBER WEEEEEE! Today:Coffee first and then a day of errands with my fella, Barrett. Buy flowers and lunch for the ladies of Fallbrook. Maybe another lightening storm I love me some October! Continue reading
Just finished illustrating a book! It's called "The Night After Christmas" by Michael Hebler. Great learning experience! Didn't realize I could manage my time so efficiently--who knew? Here's a little taste of one of the illustrations inside the book. Hope you like it! Continue reading
I had a dream last night that a woman owned a theater and loved mysteries. She wore dark glasses and a coat with a large collar when she ran errands just to feel MYSTERIOUS. She hid in her theater and recorded original cloak and dagger tales on a recorder and... Continue reading
Cutest turtle I ever did see:)
I saw Boston when I was sixteen! All of my friends went together in a acid green van--still one of my favorite days!
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Anita D. is now following A Beautiful Mess
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following Michael Sippey
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following daisy barringer
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following Daisy Cottage
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following Bloesem
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following SouleMama
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following Stefan G. Bucher
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following Natasha Newton
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following theblackapple
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following Account Deleted
Apr 17, 2010
Anita D. is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 14, 2010