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Walter Almeida
IT Consultant and Business Entrepreneur
Recent Activity
Generative Objects recrute 2 développeurs séniors!
Generative Objects recherché deux ingénieurs confirmés pour rejoindre son équipe de R&D. Multi-technologies : Java, C#, HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, Ajax, WebSockets, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, GitHub Generative Objects est une plateforme de modélisation et réalisation d’applications Web d’entreprise. ( pour plus d’infos) Generative Objects recrute 2 ingénieurs développeurs séniors (5 ans... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2012 at Generative Objects blog
Feedback from our participation to the Microsoft TechDays 2012
The Microsoft TechDays 2012 are over now. It was our first time as a Partner and sponsor of the biggest technical conference in Europe. And this participation was a great success, we are really glad of the interest of our visitors for our platform. Here are a few pictures from... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Generative Objects blog
New ! Generative Objects Twitter and Facebook fan page
We have created a twitter account for Generative Objects. You can now follow us @GenObjects We also have created a Facebook fan page: Feel free to go there and say you like Generative Objects! We will push news, pictures and more on this page. Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Generative Objects blog
Generative Objects is Silver Partner at Microsoft TechDays 2012 - Paris
We are partner and sponsor at Microsoft TechDays 2012, Paris Palais des congrès from Feb 7 to Feb 9. Visit us at our stand number 55, we will be glad to welcome you ! Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Generative Objects blog
Generative Objects is moving to its new offices
We are now moving to Paris Soleillet, 14 Rue Soleillet, 75020 Paris. It is a startups place, shared buy almost 50 young companies. A great place to work. Don't hesitate to visit us if you're around! More informations about Paris Soleillet: Pépinière Paris Soleillet Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Generative Objects blog
After two years of research and development efforts on our project with codename FENOMEN, we are now proud to announce the final commercial name of our platform: GENERATIVE OBJECTS! GENERATIVE OBJECTS is the next generation platform that will change the way you approach software development. It is the ultimate solution... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Generative Objects blog
Running PowerShell Scripts for SharePoint
Still in the process of implementing the Fenomen Platform ( and especially the capability to generate applications for SharePoint and deploy them to SharePoint, I am generating and running PowerShell Scripts aiming at configuring SharePoint. I had the following issue: When I run my script from a command shell, every... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2011 at Walter Almeida's Blog
IIS7 - Private Memory Limit Versus Virtual Memory Limit
In the process of implementing the Fenomen platform (, I decided to configure IIS so that hosted applications on my server would not bring the machine down because of high and uncontrolled memory usage. It happened to me indeed that one my applications started to consume memory up to no... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2011 at Walter Almeida's Blog
Thanks Larry, I appreciate your comment:) And I am glad my post was helpfull!
WCF, DataContract serialization and self-tracking entities - Internals and tips
Custom Data exchanged with WCF services is defined through DataContracts using DataContract and DataMember attributes to the data definition classes. Please refer to the msdn help for more information: The recommended way of doing so is to ...
Fenomen's Press Release
We are proud to announce our press release in a e-newsletter dedicated to innovation : Kalydeo Find out more, and read the press realease from: Kalydeo Fenomen's Press Release Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2011 at Generative Objects blog
Fenomen Demonstration Video
We have made available a demonstration video of the Fenomen platform. This video demonstrates the basic features of the platform and shows how to create in less than 8 minutes a web application to manage customers and contracts with only... a web browser! Watch Full Screen for HD quality! Enjoy! Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2011 at Generative Objects blog
Fenomen Platform is now full SaaS + Pilot projects starting
Here are some news from Fenomen: We are proud to announce that the Fenomen Platform is now mature and is a full SaaS web platform. Only requirement is a web browser to access the platform. And from there one can create full enterprise web applications! When custom development is required,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2011 at Generative Objects blog
Hello Meinte,
Thanks for your insightful comments:)
Yes can't agree more: it is very hard to build a model-driven platform that targets a huge user base. And the big players' success becomes in such a scenario a handicap. At least for the first versions of the platform.
So it quite makes sense that small ventures are the leaders in this market.
You'll find other feedback on this topic on the model driven software network :
The new Golden-Egg : Model-Driven Business Platforms – Why big players aren’t there yet?
There is a big fuzz around model driven development and all the goodness about it, its promises of a high level of agility, cut down of prices, reduction of technical risks etc. etc. Many including myself (having created FENOMEN) think that the model-centric approach is the future of software de...
The new Golden-Egg : Model-Driven Business Platforms – Why big players aren’t there yet?
There is a big fuzz around model driven development and all the goodness about it, its promises of a high level of agility, cut down of prices, reduction of technical risks etc. etc. Many including myself (having created FENOMEN) think that the model-centric approach is the future of software development,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2011 at Walter Almeida's Blog
Introducing my favorite ORM Tool: LLBLGEN - Part 2
Ok, time to write again about LLBLGen, my favorite ORM tool. It has been my favorite ORM for years now and I did write a post on the subject several years ago: - So this is why I call this post "Introducing my favorite ORM Tool: LLBLGEN - Part... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 22, 2010 at Generative Objects blog
Season's Greatings - FENOMEN 2010 Achievements
2010 is almost over now. It is time for us to wish all the best to all our friends, family, customers and partners. May 2011 bring your health, happiness, success and harmony in your personal and professional life! via Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 22, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
Season's Greatings - FENOMEN 2010 Achievements
2010 is almost over now. It is time for us to wish all the best to all our friends, family, customers and partners. May 2011 bring your health, happiness, success and harmony in your personal and professional life! And we are very proud to announce that we have our first... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2010 at Generative Objects blog
Hello Vlad,
Thanks for your comment;)
Well, that should be possible, however becoming tricky. You could potentially find other ways to do what you are trying to achieve.
For example what about overriding Equals() in the Role Entity, and returning true when role name is same.
and then write your query like this:
var r2 = Query.All().Where("Roles.Contains(@0)", new Role() { Name = "admin" });
Will work the same in an neater way:)
I haven't tested yet though, you should try. But you get the idea
Advanced Linq - Dynamic Linq query library: Add support for 'Contains' extension
This post explains how to extend the Dynamic Linq library to support the "Contains" extension method. This post also can serve as a base for further extension of the Dynamic Linq Library and adding support to more extension methods. Linq is an amazing programming model, brought to life by the Mi...
Introducing my favorite ORM Tool: LLBLGEN - Part 2
Ok, time to write again about LLBLGen, my favorite ORM tool. It has been my favorite ORM for years now and I did write a post on the subject several years ago: - So this is why I call this post "Introducing my favorite ORM Tool: LLBLGEN - Part... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
SilverLight 4.0 + WCF: How to bubble service error messages to client
Developing with SilverLight 4.0 and WCF for the service side, I wanted to do the following: 1- For known/expected service side exception, I want the user to have a clear feedback with the error message shown to him 2- For all exceptions, and for development scenarios, I want the full... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
DataContract Serializer and IsReference property
Today I ran into the issue sending object graphs that contain reference cycles through WCF. I then got the following exception: Object graph for type contains cycles and cannot be serialized if reference tracking is disabled The default WCF serializer can't serialize object graphs with cycles. After some research on... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
CG2011 Coming! + Feedback from Code Generation Conference 2009
The next year Code Generation conference (CG2011) is being prepared. Will be help in Cambridge from May 25th-27th 2011 You will find more by following this link: The Code Generation conference is recognised as the leading event on the practical applications of Model-Driven Software Development and is a must... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
Patch for Unity 2.0 with Interception of generic classes with interface constraints
This article relates to Unity 2.0 (April 2010 release) and Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 (April 2010 release) When using Unity with Interception and Virtual method based interception, there is an exception thrown when trying to intercept a generic class with interface constraints on the generic type(s). Example of such a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
WCF tips and tricks: share types between server and client
This is an interesting and essential trick for WCF and sharing types between server and client. Here is the scenario: at the server service implementation: you define types, essentially data structures, that you will return through service methods: Let say you define the following data type (don't forget the DataContract... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
Fenomen's brand new Web Site is now available!
We are proud and happy to annouce the public availability of our brand new Web Site :, available in french and english. Feel free to visit our Web Site to find more about FENOMEN and our innovative approach for building connected business applications following a full modeling and generation... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 2, 2010 at Walter Almeida's Blog
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