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I am where I am except when I'm not !
Been there, done that.
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I know what you mean. I had liked them from thier start, but when I stumbled across the "Pulse" DVD a while back it blew me away too. Every song on those discs have become my all time favorite versions!
Sure wish I could have caught it live.
Who was the first musician that you saw live? How was the experience?
Elton John in concert in Pontiac MI during mid-late 70's. A killer performance until a moron on the main floor flung his binoculars on-stage, hitting the bass player in the family jewels! That stopped the show until he recovered ... and Elton John finished chewing out the audience.
Who was the first musician that you saw live? How was the experience?
BcM is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 14, 2010
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