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Upstate NY
I am a pastry school grad who loves the kitchen.
Interests: Hi there! Welcome to p&q :) This is my happy place... Here you will find yummy recipes and stories. I hope you feel at home around here and that we can be foodie friends! If you have Facebook, feel free to "like" p&q blog:
Recent Activity
I made this cake last week, when August was at its peek, the cool days hadn't settled in yet, and my obsession with Gossip Girl (slightly embarassing) had just begun. Now we're a week older, we have officially entered into fall's territory, and I'm almost finished with season two of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2012 at pão e queijo
Surprise! I'm back from a six-month hiatus in Outerspace. Top the waffles with fresh sliced white peaches and salted caramel sauce I've missed you. Have you gotten a tan while I was away? Did you drink at least eight rootbeer floats this summer? I hope your aunt is doing well... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2012 at pão e queijo
Thanks Debbie! I'm glad the photos were helpful, although they're pretty old and not very good! But the crepe cake is delicious :)
Sarah is now following Luisa
Feb 7, 2012
Thanks Maja! That's the kind of food I love :)
Sarah is now following Melissa Clark
Feb 1, 2012
Thank you! Haha, I know, I loved my Walkman, too! That's incredible that yours lasted so long. They were amazing!
Oh my gosh, we're on the same wavelength! Haha, roasting sweet potatoes is amazing. Actually, most vegetables taste amazing when roasted. I'll have to try them in a quesadilla. Thank you!
Ladies and gentlemen, I know you must all be confused. Not too long ago I made a bold claim that I did not (absolutely did not) like sweet potatoes. Nor butternut squash for that matter. In fact, winter squash and I were not really friends at all. Things have obviously... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2012 at pão e queijo
When I was four or five, I went running to my mom, sobbing, because I had accidentally done something terrible to the document my sister was typing on our Mac computer. It was a huge desktop thing that took floppy disks and had an equally huge modem, and back in... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2012 at pão e queijo
Hello Natalie, thanks for the good news! I just sent you an email with my address. Yay!
Thanks! Let me know if you make it :)
I would definitely have to agree! Thanks :)
There's definitely something to be said for sharing a meal. One of the first European gastronomic journalists, Jean Anthelme Brillat Savarin, observed that the sense of taste, preparing and eating food (what we know as gastronomy), are aspects of a civilizing power that brings people together and keeps them together.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2012 at pão e queijo
My mom doesn't cook. She doesn't like to cook, as she will tell you herself. (Unimaginable in our little foodie world). I'm actually not sure how such a food-passionate person like myself could have been raised under such circumstances! But, she will also tell you she knows how to make... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2012 at pão e queijo
Sarah is now following Mowie Kay
Jan 18, 2012
Dear Sarah, It's just not the same around here since you moved away! I try to tolerate the other creatures (both the two- and four-legged variety), but they are not of the same status (Queen); and therefore, it has been very difficult as they are mere peasants, and they are... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at pão e queijo
Thanks so much! Boston is a very pretty city, I'm so happy to be here :) And do try the tea, it's super yummy.
It really is! People have been so so nice here. Thanks for the nice compliment :) I hope you enjoy it (I love it)!
Sometimes I'm inclined to think that we live in a cold world. One where machine-recorded tapes substitute human voices, where automated checkouts replace librarians and supermarket workers. Where a handshake no longer signifies a promise made. Where things have become ultra legal and we lose sight of love, kindness, and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2012 at pão e queijo
1. I bought a granny cart. It fell apart on its first trip to the supermarket (before getting there). On my way home, as I was trying to get it to cooperate, I saw an old granny who had a granny cart, too. We smiled at each other. It made... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2012 at pão e queijo
Thanks so much! 2012 holds great things in store!
Toggle Commented Jan 5, 2012 on Goodbye and Hello. at pão e queijo
Sarah is now following Molly
Jan 4, 2012
Dear 2011, Yikes. You went fast… like, really fast. You were a really cool year, I grew a lot, many things happened. I definitely liked you better than boring 2010. I started the year off newly single and suntanning in beautiful Aruba. That sure cured the blues! Aruba I hit... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2011 at pão e queijo