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Recent Activity is now following Fay
Feb 7, 2011
I don't know what made me laugh more:
"Sit. Sit. Sit., not Shit. Shit. Shit."
"But i'm keeping my plum firmly in my mouth"
I was going to add a comedy caption on the last one, but will keep my filthy sense of humour to myself!
Japanese teacher: "Please, shit down."
Today is Setsubun. It's a bean throwing festival that is celebrated the day before Spring begins. Sadly it's not a public holiday. Instead, Japanese families partake in Setsubun at home, as follows...someone puts on a mask resembling an ogre. The rest of the family then throw roasted soy beans a...
Very nice pair...
I wonder whether they meant "I eat breakfast in bed". I've literally spent ages trying to think about what they might have meant!!
Hope you are ok.
I eat breakfast at bread
The students have been busy preparing for the school festival which is happening this Friday. The above photos are from a notice board and some of the art work on display is amazing - these kids can really draw. Their PR efforts didn't stop at artwork either - they've been making videos of thei...
Hi Fay,
Loving the blog and the pictures! Is it me, or does the man standing up in the toilet picture actually look like he is pis*ing AWAY from the toilet, and not towards it?!
James H
kawaii x3
I discovered the best way to make friends with Japanese people today. It all started on the flight up here earlier. The flight attendant on ANA 58 (obviously stunning) came along to ask if we'd like food. I ordered rice crackers (what else) in my best japanese and then handed her a JPY1000 note.... is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 4, 2010
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