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San Francisco, CA
A girl who is obsessed with all things paper related.
Recent Activity
I'm still here, mostly
So it's been about the least. We had a baby, (Hurray Grayson!), had a love one pass away, bought our first house and that's a year since I've posted. I know it's basically death at this point for this blog but I'm hoping to jump start this bad boy again... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2013 at Letterpress Perfect
I'm back, kind of, mostly...
Hi Guys, so I'm back kind of. I've been a bit busy the past few months growing a kid and for the first 20 or so weeks trying to keep my face out of the toilet (beautiful image right?). I'm doing much better and now counting down the 8 weeks... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2012 at Letterpress Perfect
Friday love
It's Friday and I'm loving the upcoming thoughts of college football and hangin' with my better half. Today though I decided to throw caution into the wind and wash my hair the day after I got it done. Terrible idea because right now I look like a missing contestant for... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
So Cal love
Today was awesome. I'm back to my natural blond color thanks to Taylor and I'm looking extra chic with a new do as well. I love Taylor but she keeps on moving to more up and coming neighborhoods in San Francisco. The highlight is some how Rosemunde is always near... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Going Upstate
It's Wednesday and I'm feeling it. Ugh, well it is also 100 degrees here and I'm just not feeling the love. I'm also not feeling so witty today so I'll save you the banter and head straight to the good stuff. I found this design shop out of Buffalo, NY.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Oh LA...
So last night, as some of you might know thanks to twitter, my better half and I did a bad, bad thing. We succumb to Jess and her ad's with Domino's Pizza and ordered our favorite from many a late night in college. Only this time we were completely sober... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Oh Texas is bringin' it
This weekend was all about football at our house. Saturday was marked appropriately with 12 hours of college football viewing. Yes, we did make it out to dinner (cooking still makes me sick) and only missed one play between the time we got in our car and the time we... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Quicky Friday
I'm over being sick and I just want to workout again. Dear heavens, I've shocked myself and want to head back into the studio to workout. Perhaps on Monday I will take the plunge and try not to toss my cookies and feel the burn. Until then it's movies and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Oh it's Thursday and staying super local
It's Thursday and my Mom left this morning, so not cool. It's like she has this magical powers to keep me from getting sick only one and feeling good most of the time. Since I dropped her off this morning I've been nothing but green. It was definitely an extra... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
I think we are visiting Seattle...
Hi All! Okay so about that whole four to five days a week posting thing... I'm getting there. My Mom came into town yesterday and well the posting just didn't happen but I'm back with a cute design gal to show you. Yes, Mom has been taking care of me,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Bonus Friday Post
Because I have been neglecting to give you all some lovin' I thought I would make up for missing Tuesday and post on Friday, which is kinda not normal for me Then again what has been normal these days. Okay, okay you twisted my arm, really I feel sick again... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Still working on it...
Ever have one of those weeks where your significant other or roomie is out of town for what ever reason, business or pleasure. While normally you would be bummed and miss the company in the house, meals, tv viewing you know what I'm talking about. Then there is that one... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
I'm back, hopefully for good
Yes, I'm alive. One wouldn't know based on my total and complete M.I.A. status here, but it's for a good reason I promise you. I'm pregnant, there I said it. It's now out in the open for all know. Baby Z has made my life well, interesting to say the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Hitting up Central CA
Oh Tuesday... So the other excitement going on is a BBQ I'm hosting on Saturday and there is so many fun things to prep for. I know I can just throw some meat on the BBQ and some cold adult beverages in ice then call it even. But well it's... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Letterpress Ladies (and men) heading South!
Happy Monday! This weekend I confirmed the fact that burning your scalp and lips is just one of the most miserable place to get sunburned. This weekend we met up with my family in Carmel to head to the MotoGP. Most families do beach house vacations mine does track side... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Oregon Love...
Hi All, I told you I would be back. It's been crazy over here in Palo Alto, in due time all the secrets will come out but for now just know my hair is on fire going mock 10. All in all summer has decided to show it's face here... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Hi Guys, So to say things have been crazy here is a bit of an understatement. Don't worry good news is in the future. There are project updates in the works and plenty of mouthwatering letterpress in your future. I am going to leave you with a teaser because that's... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Foggy City love, you know the one with the big red bridge
Oh Target (pronounced all French-like of course) how I heart thee! I don't know how it happens but I also end up spending at least 50 dollars. This time it was a cleaning supply run, those definitely are expensive. I kinda want to cry but you know all the cute... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Kansas City Letterpress lovies
Hi All Happy Wednesday! I have a blue bathroom! So when I pulled off the tape half of the trim paint pulled off and found out the place use to be yellow. Perhaps the guys before us made the same mistake. Let's just hope with the paint can I found... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Keepin' it local
Hi Happy Post Fourth of July weekend! I don't know about you guys but we had one heck of a weekend. We did the big birthday dinner with my better half's friends and family at Flour + Water. I think it's official, I've died and gone to culinary heaven. We... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Germany bound, yeah that's right Germany!
This strive to get two hours of solid exercise in a day might be the death of me. The upside I think I have identified the "muscle", and I use that term very lightly, as a tricep on the back of my arm. Who would have thought me with a... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Heading Back to Texas!
Happy Hump Day! I don't know what it is about this week but it's seriously dragging. I don't know if it's because I decided to be ridiculous about attending workout classes (which by the way is awesome but always sore) or the fact that Mother Nature seemed to have missed... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Atlanta with a Spanish flair, bet you never saw that coming!
I doubled down yesterday taking a bar class my gym offers (sub-par and seriously could hurt someone if they knew nothing about lifting) and then followed up with a spin class. I think I found my new favorite spin instructor. Right now though I'm cursing both of their names and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Texas livin' it up!
Oh Monday! It's been a crazy day! I got to see some hotties from the fire and rescue department, yes I'm fine and so it the person who needed help. This is after a FANTASTIC anniversary weekend (yes capital letters are needed). We had a great time with our bee... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
Virgina rockin' it!
Happy Thursday and Happy Birthday to my better half! Today has been fun thus far with him. Now I can mock him about turning 30 as well. It's been good and tonight is going to be a blast as well. Some how today my super creative side has come out.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2011 at Letterpress Perfect
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