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Lori Frank
Asheville, North Carolina
Sweet T.E.A.= Teaching women, Enriching lives, Abiding in Christ
Interests: Jesus, Ministry life, Family, Mothering, Worship, Women's ministry, Recipes, Reading, Marriage, Scripture
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Thanks for your comment, Words4FaithPeep. I appreciate your stopping by the blog. Agreed, pride is never a good guide in decision making. I pray the Lord will guide this couple you mentioned and that our church will get another chance to love on them in Jesus Name.
Toggle Commented Oct 3, 2013 on Tattoo or Taboo? at Sweet tea by Lori Frank
Megan, You are a treasure. I love the trophy of grace you have become! I LOL'd about the stretchy tats! Thanks for your comments and for just being YOU!
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2013 on Tattoo or Taboo? at Sweet tea by Lori Frank
Ginger, I am so thankful that my posts are connecting. Thank you for your time and your feedback. I absolutely encourage you to use blogging to get your story out there. Don't let fear of confrontation keep you from shining light on God's activity in your world! I personally would love to hear what you have to say! Just keep a finger on the delete key;) XO Lori
Bo, My post never states that I believe in "allowing people to feel comfortable with what the bible defines as unnatural". I was saying that what we are all born with is a sin nature (Romans 8:8). Individuals who struggle with temptations and feelings of same sex attraction are no different than people like you or me who struggle with other desires contrary to holiness when we walk according to the flesh instead of the spirit. My post was pointing out that for many, it is a life long struggle and there should be a place for them to bring it, confess it and find support to turn from it in God's house. I want this for all of us, godly discipleship as the Spirit sanctifies, whatever the struggle. You could not be more wrong about Biltmore or its leaders. By God's grace and for His glory, over 500 have responded to the gospel and been saved and baptized at Biltmore in the past 9 months. We love as Christ first loved us with truth and grace. Lori Frank
Yes, Rabraswell! I am so glad that this post resonated with you and I am praying for you to continue to be encouraged and to find those connections and meaningful friendships. You are not alone:)
Be careful Mary or you'll be hooked on these videos like me:) Glad you joined me today and hope you'll be back!
Toggle Commented May 8, 2013 on What's In My Purse? at Sweet tea by Lori Frank
Sandra, you are such an encourager... I adore you!
Toggle Commented May 8, 2013 on What's In My Purse? at Sweet tea by Lori Frank
Awe! Thanks Jeannie! Glad you joined me for a chat;)
Toggle Commented May 8, 2013 on What's In My Purse? at Sweet tea by Lori Frank
Hi ADamnGoodRead, I'm so blessed that you shared your feelings with me. Believe me you are in the pure purvival phase of motherhood. It does get better but you can feel like you are drowning, I know. Please continue to talk to God. Read Bible stories with the kids. Ask God for an older friend to help you and be there for you. Ask Him to help you make it to church, even if you have to pace in the back. For those days when it just won't work to be with other believers in a local church setting, I would love for you to attend our online campus from you home. is the link. just click online campus. We broadcast Sunday at 9:15 and 11 as well as Thursday night at 7PM. Please know I'm praying for you. Talk to your doctor. Talk to a friend. And know you are normal and that one day you will be rewarded for all you do;) Love those babies and everything else will work itself out. Keep checking in for some sweet tea, Love and big hugs, Lori
Hey Sandra! Thanks for stopping by for some sweet tea and leaving a comment! I was looking at the pureology the other day and wondering how it was! I'll have to try it... I've heard how fantastic everything is from CAbi too:) Nothing like a fabulous pair of jeans that fit! Love ya, Lori
I love it "D"! I hate those aches and pains for you... I guess it's part of life. Glad you are not letting it slow you down. I love that you can see the young face in the mirror! That is the mark of true maturity, not just age;))) Thanks for sharing.
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2013 on Wrinkles and All at Sweet tea by Lori Frank
Thank You "Bo". I'm glad to see that you are a frequent visitor for some sweet tea;) With no disrespect at all intended, this post was written a little tongue-in-cheek but the message remains that Jesus in all His perfection did engage His culture fully at the time. I am grateful for your warning against the traps of Narcisim in building a platform and will ask the Lord to keep my feet on the path of humilty. Sincerely, Lori
What beautiful words my friend! We should all preach them to ourselves daily. I know these words will bless many of us who tend to be harder on ourselves than anyone else. So grateful for Grace, plentiful and new every morning! Great Post!
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2012 on Plenty at Sunshine and Saltwater
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