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The Lazy Knitter
The Sandhills of North Carolina
Knitting, Crafting, Shih Tzu, Life’s Bumps & Trumps
Interests: cooking, reading, knitting, lace knitting, quilting, gardening, boating, shih tzu, knit design, breeding shih tzu's
Recent Activity
The cold front moved in and temps dropped to lows in the 30's with a highs in the 60's last week. I have been hungry for some chicken soup and this is one of my crock pot favorites. I usually throw it together the night before and and my wonderful... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2010 at The Diary of the Lazy Knitter
Have you ever run into someone that you cannot communicate with? I’m normally able to communicate with almost anyone. I’ve taught classes, on various topics, in the US, Mexico, Canada, Europe, and even in Turkey and my audience has always “got it”, whatever the “IT” was. I find it amazing... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2010 at The Diary of the Lazy Knitter
Hearty Soup: Cream of Chicken with Mushroom and Leek Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 6, 2010 at The Diary of the Lazy Knitter
Besides the kids, I took a salmon spread to knitting on Wednesday. It was a hit and I served it with toasted garlic rounds, but pita chips or grainy crackers work as well. Several of the ladies wanted the recipe so here goes: via Some have asked for this... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 6, 2010 at The Diary of the Lazy Knitter
The Lazy Knitter is now following Karen Lynn
Sep 12, 2010
My friend is having a baby boy. He is due in November and, I usually struggle with boy, or unisex baby gifts. Not because they are harder, but because it's so much fun to make lacy and frilly baby girl stuff. I wanted to make something special for this baby... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2010 at The Diary of the Lazy Knitter
The Lazy Knitter is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 9, 2010