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shane keven reinhart
Conceptual artist with an adventurous spirit.
Recent Activity
California summers have always been all about the beach, people. As a kid, it was Aptos... fireworks at 4th of July on the beach, and the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz! and you know, there's the labyrinth at Land's End Steinbeck's Cannery Row in Monterey Venice Beach where muscles rule and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2017 at Evokative Life
My Norwegian grandma's favorite were yellow roses. Her's were heirlooms: thick trunks and upright growth with beautiful yellow roses the size of saucers. My closest ones are buttery and small. I still search for her yellow roses... When I was younger, I lived in her home for the time I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2017 at Evokative Life
The pines and cedars are stoic in their wintering. They've witnessed thousands of storms and know winter's story inside out. Thin but brilliant sunlight comes between storms. It's southern-slung, bitter and sharp. They're brave, the deciduous trees, standing with skeletons exposed to damp and cold. Bits of their framework might... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2017 at Evokative Life
Yes, I have an opinion or two about this year's summer Olympics. And maybe you do, too. The bidding process is long and rigorous. Back in 2007, seven cities put in their bids to be the host city for the 2016 Olympics. From those, the final four were selected -... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2016 at Evokative Life
Francesca Woodman lived a brief time, but left some incredible photography as her legacy. She committed suicide by jumping from a loft window in New York in 1981. But already her photographic work was on its way to becoming a strong art form. Virtually all of her work consists of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2016 at Evokative Life
Three weeks ago, I found some fuzzy blossoms. I was going to post about that. But sometimes, life interferes. That's Paloma. She's one of a large group of outdoor kitties brought to our community by a neighbor. She's the docile one, and the others bully her. So she's kind of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2016 at Evokative Life
Sisters, Joe Carreon, 2007 Do you have a sketchbook? If you have one, it probably won't be your one and only one. Once people step beyond the formal concept of sketching in a sketchbook, the sketchbook comes to life. A life of its own. That might include paint. And photos.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2016 at Evokative Life
Elements, 2011; Tessa Houghton Recently I've been writing a lot of posts about abstract art. But not just any or all abstract art. I'll have to study this, because it's a rather new lure for me. And among the artists whose work is making me swoon right now is Tessa... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2016 at Evokative Life
Looking Clockwise, 9 Vladimir Hristov is an artist who lives and works in Amsterdam. He was born in Skopje, Macedonia in 1969 where he graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts. In 1998 he moved to the Netherlands, where he completed post-graduate work at the Groningen Minerva Academy of Fine... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2016 at Evokative Life
Imagine this. Mysterious and dangerous. This is Xuankong Temple, known as The Hanging Temple and The Hanging Monastery. This architectural masterpiece is 1550 years old, built in 491. It's ancient. Like most ancient Chinese architecture, it is all timber-work: think wood everything: posts, beams, joists, walls, roof, columns. The beautiful... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2016 at Evokative Life
We're heading out early to a Fourth of July Parade and Pancake Breakfast in beautiful Piedmont. The streets are lined with shady, leafy trees and everyone comes out to watch the parade. It's got a good, old-fashioned, small-town traditional feel to it. It feels right. Then, if it's hot, we'll... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2016 at Evokative Life
Quintilis Ruby Playing with oils is easy and control of the medium is hard. For me. It doesn't stop me from trying to do something with oil paints now and again, however. Recently I randomly asked about thirty different people if they knew where the name July came from. A... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2016 at Evokative Life
The problem seems to really get sticky when that one person creates conflict, obstructs progress, refuses to leave the past, opposes everything, and is simmering with anger. Not fun. But very safe for them. First, you can't change this behavior. The more rigidly an individual clings to what she has... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2016 at Evokative Life
From Living Spaces 10, William Carter papers, © Stanford University Libraries On Saturday morning, my email was full. Among the happy news and questions and requests, this photo rested. Along with a few others. It was taken in Weimar, where I've never been. But it swept me away, anyway, because... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2016 at Evokative Life
Alberto Bustos is the artist working in the above photo montage. In Spain, he creates sculptures that seem to move and flow, as if in motion. But the medium is not flexible - his are ceramic sculptures. His beautifully layered pieces at first appear to be made of paper: sharply... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2016 at Evokative Life
Calm, Douglas Kinsey Sometimes it's just the sparse space of something that brings Zen beauty to it. The haunting simplicity of artist Doug Kinsey speaks to that spiritual lure. At once there is something momentous and economic in his work. Kinsey is a California native, who's made his home along... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2016 at Evokative Life
Today is the longest day of the year. On the summer solstice, the Arctic circle is bathed in sunlight for a full 24 hours. Which sounds prettier than it looks. That's how it looked up there at the North Pole on the first day of summer, 2010. Here, summer is... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2016 at Evokative Life
But whiskey is not always bourbon. June 14 was National Bourbon Day. And I missed it. I've come a long way from those Whiskey Sour days of my twenties. And so has the rest of the country. Bourbon whiskey, named for its birth county in Kentucky, is a special breed... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2016 at Evokative Life
Urban exploration, or Urbex, is a thing. Throughout the world, there are abandoned, vacant places. The garage above (with the also-abandoned vehicle) happens to be in Belgium. As is the doctor's house, below. This is clearly not an ordinary, everyday man-made structure left to ruin after the business closes or... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2016 at Evokative Life
It was beautiful, one of the perfect weather days in the bay area. And at the podium was the marvelous, brilliant man with the kind voice: Ken Burns. He imparted sweet wisdom to this year's graduates at my beloved Stanford. And he blistered Donald Trump. Did you miss it? Then,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2016 at Evokative Life
Since 2004, I've been in love with my Market Wonderland. Just inside the gleaming glass doors: a long, long candy bar. Filled with all the unfamiliar and fully charming candy selections. (This is only one short section of it. It's all I could fit in my iPhone camera view.) A... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2016 at Evokative Life
David Heath: Greenwich Village, New York City, 1957 The photo above is what sent me swooning and drew me back to the work of David Heath. Just look at the light and shadows, the expressions on the faces! This is story. Heath is an American photographer, and a self-taught artist.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2016 at Evokative Life
Skirting the shoreline along the bay area of California are gleaming train tracks that carry passengers and freight. Amtrak's California Zephyr runs daily, and the Capitol Corridor has multiple trains sailing along the tracks each day. Union Pacific's rails carry goods and products (and probably materials that are also toxic).... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2016 at Evokative Life
Photo by Faern, Do you know about butoh? It's an avant-garde dance form, originating in Japan, that is conceptual and often referred to as psychodrama. It has a powerful aesthetic, and is exceedingly difficult to describe because it nearly defies definition. Google the word - thousands of images and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2016 at Evokative Life
This has been my kick-off to summer for 36 years. Back in the day, it was a hot jazz festival known as the Jubilee. The crowds were huge, requiring mounted police to manage them. All the hotels were brimming, hoppin' and poppin' with party rooms. The music venues extended for... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2016 at Evokative Life