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"No single story can ever convince or engage everyone. If it were possible, then Hollywood would have found that story by now - it's thrown enough money at the problem and experimented with so many variations. And hoping for a single framework story is still too much - the much-discussed (even by me) Hero's Journey structure is an over-simplified one that doesn't apply universally."
The Hero's Journey does apply universally (to Hollywood films and screenwriting), just not the simplified version that everyone talks about. You need to get into it in a much deeper level - see
Get the story straight - Storytelling in Communications 1
The opening gambit of more than one past client project has been "help us get our story straight". Sometimes it's just that - the general story - sometimes it's something specific: "help us get our customer story straight", "our story on leadership". It's an interesting starting point, but deman... is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 2, 2010
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